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单词 whip
whip/wɪp/ nv [-pp-;-ed,-ed/t/;-ing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)鞭子(piece of rope or leather fastened to a handle)[C]: wield a~挥鞭; strike sb with a~用鞭子抽打某人;He cracked his~and the horse began to trot. 他啪地抽响鞭子,马快步跑了起来。Again he was lashed with~s. 他又一次遭到鞭打。with~and spur 快马加鞭;He carried a~but never used it on the horse. 他拿着一根鞭子,但他从不用来抽马。be a good/bad~(fig) 是个赶车的好把式/赶车技术不好;

(2)党纪委员;党纪委员的指令;组织秘书((in Britain and the US) member of a discipline committee or order given to Parliaments to attend and vote)[C]: refuse to obey the~拒绝服从党纪命令;be deprived of/take the Labour~被免去/就任工党组织秘书的职务; a three-line~(要求本党议员出席并按指示投票的)紧急命令;

(3)奶油、鸡蛋等搅拌制成的甜食(dessert made up by beaten creameggsetc)[CU]:caramel/raspberry/chocolate/strawberry~焦糖/复盆子/巧克力/草莓奶油甜点; prune~蛋奶李子甜点;

get/have/hold the whip hand (over sb)占居控制的地位:The guest team had the~hand over the host during the whole match. 整场比赛中,客队一直控制着主队。

→′whippy adj 易弯曲的;有弹性的;′whipcord n 鞭绳;′whiplash n 鞭打;

v(1)鞭打(beat with a whip)[T+n]:~sb for misbehaviour/playing hooky 因不轨行为/逃学而鞭打某人;~sb to death 鞭打某人致死;~the horse to make it go faster 鞭打马让它走得快些;(sb) deserve a~ping/to be~ped(某人)该遭鞭打;The~ped child,like the~ped puppy,grew into an obedient, inferior creature. 这个经常挨打的孩子像挨打的小狗一样,长大后成了一个驯服、自卑的家伙。〖同〗lash,beat,torture;

(2)搅,拌(打)(beat or stir)[T+nT+n+prep (into),T+n+adv(up),T+n+adv(up)+prep(into)]:coffee/black Indian tea with~ped cream 加入搅好的奶油的咖啡/印度红茶;~the eggs and sugar into a stiff cream 把鸡蛋和糖搅打成稠糊状; W~up the cream,will you? 把奶油搅好,行吗?~the ingredients (up) into a smooth paste 把配料搅打成均匀的糊状;〖同〗beat,stir;

(3)打败(defeat completely)[T+nT+n+prep](infml): Their team really~ped ours at basketball. 他们队在篮球赛上打败了我们队。get~ped in its last game 在最后一局被打败;〖同〗beat,defeat;

(4)抢(去),偷(snatch or steal)[T+n] (BrE,infml):The mugger~ped the purse/the wallet/the wrist-ring from my hand and ran off. 抢劫犯抢走了我手中的钱包/皮夹子/手链跑掉了。Who's~ped my raincoat? 谁偷了我的雨衣? 〖同〗steal,snatch;

(5)拍打,猛刮(lash or strike violently)[T+nI+prepI+advT+n+adv(up)]:Branches were~ping the windows. 树枝拍打着窗户。The rain was~ping the pavement. 雨击打着人行道。The wind~ped my face/my hair. 风猛刮着我的脸/头发。The flags were~ping in the wind. 旗子在风中刮得啪啪作响。The huge waves were~ping against the shore. 巨浪拍打着海岸。The wind~ped through the trees/across the plain/up water/up waves on the lake. 狂风吹过树林/刮过原野/激起浪花/在湖面上掀起波浪。A cool breeze~ped up a swirl of dust. 凉风吹起一阵尘土。〖同〗lash,flap;

(6)突然做……(do sth suddenly or swiftly)[I+prepI+advT+n+prepT+n+adv]: The train~s over the country. 火车在原野上飞驰。The sound of the ball~ped past my nose. 球嗖的一声掠过我的鼻子。The boy~ped out of the room like a shot. 孩子飞快地冲出房间。~around the corner 急忙转过拐角;~down the stairs 急匆匆走下楼梯; The cat~ped in/out. 猫突然跑进来/出去。~in his pack of hounds 用鞭子急速地把他的猎犬赶在一起; He~ped off to France yesterday. 昨天他突然动身去了法国。~out into the street 突然跑上大街;~round 突然转身;The thief~ped it into his pocket/the jewels off the counter. 那个贼急忙把它装进口袋/拿走了柜台上的珠宝。~out a reply 迅速地答复;~out a hundred-dollar bill/a handkerchief/a knife/a gun 突然抽出一张百元大票/手帕/刀子/枪;~off one's shoes/one's hat/one's coat/one's sweater/one's mask 一下子脱掉鞋子/摘下帽子/脱掉外衣/脱掉毛衣/摘掉面具; The storm just~ped the roof off. 暴风雨突然把屋顶掀掉了。Why did you~me away? 你为什么突然把我赶走?~sb's plate/sb's cup/sb's hand away 突然摔掉了某人的盘子/摔掉了某人的杯子/甩开了某人的手;

(7)用线(绳)缠绕,包缝(bind sth with thread or rope;sew a seam)[T+n]:~a rope 缠绕一条绳子;~the edge of the cloth 把这块布的边儿包上缝;

whip sth into shape 改善(进):The new coach soon~ped the team into shape. 新教练很快改善了队里的面貌。The authorities~ped the present economic situation into shape. 当局改善了当前的经济形势。

whip on (v adv) 鞭策,驱使(vt):W~ping his horse on,he reached the finishing post just ahead of the others. 他快马加鞭,终于超出其他骑手,首先抵达终点。

whip through (v prep) 迅速做完(vt):If I~through the work this afternoon,I'll be able to go home early. 如果今天下午我能迅速完成工作,我就能早点儿回家。

whip up (v adv) 1)激发(励)(vt):We must~up some enthusiasm/some interest/some support for the project. 我们必须激发对该方案的热情/兴趣/支持。2)迅速做好(饭、衣服等)(vt) (infml): I'll~up a meal/a light lunch for you. 我马上就给你把饭/便当午餐做好。

→′whipping n 鞭打;′whip-round n (BrE,infml) 募捐;凑份子





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