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单词 while
while1/waɪl/ nvi [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n 一段时间,一会儿(period of time)[Ua~]: after a~过了一会儿; once in a~偶尔;every little~时常,有时; take a great~/quite a~to do sth 做某事需要很长/相当长时间; spend a pleasant~度过一段愉快的时间; stay/sit/hesitate/lie down for a~待/坐/犹豫/躺一会儿; I haven't heard from him for a good/long~我很长时间没得到他的消息了。I was teaching for a~and then changed my job. 我教过一段时间的书,然后换了工作。The boy was there a short~ago. 那个孩子方才在那儿。〖同〗time,period;

all this/the while 一直地:What have you been doing all this/the~? 你最近一直在干什么?

worth while 值得费时间做;值得干:The police did not think it worth~to arrest the suspect at this moment. 警察认为现在还不是逮捕这个嫌疑犯的时候。It is worth~taking the trouble. 费事是值得的。We've seen everything that's worth~. 我们已经看了所有值得看的东西。

worth one's while 对某人有利益或不白干: He will make it worth your~. 他会使此事对你有益的。

vi消磨(混)时间(pass time lazily)[I+adv(away)]:~one's time away 消磨掉时间;~away the hours of waiting by going window-shopping 在街上浏览橱窗来打发等候的时间;We~d away a couple of hours playing cards/sitting on the beach/looking at the pictures. 我们打扑克/坐在海滩上/看绘画消磨了几个小时。It's easy to~away the time, busying oneself with work. 忙于工作,时间就很容易过去。〖同〗pass,idle





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