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单词 pay
释义 pay1 /pei; pe/ n [U] money paid for regular work or services, esp in the armed forces (Pay is used instead of wages and salary in the Navy, Army and Air Force): 工资; 薪饷 (在海、陆、空军中用 pay 而不用 wages 与 salary): draw one's pay; 领薪商; get an increase in pay. 获得加薪。 in the pay of, employed by (often with a suggestion of dishonour, eg in the pay of the enemy). 受雇于 (常指不名誉者,如被敌方收买) 。 pay-claim n → wage-claim, cwage, 'pay-day n a day on which wages, salaries, etc are (to be) paid. 发薪日。 b day (on the Stock Exchange) on which transfer of stock has to be paid for. (证券市场的) 交割日。 'pay-dirt [U] (US) earth in which there is ore of a grade high enough to make mining profitable. (美) (含量具有开采价値的) 矿土; 矿砂。 payload n a that part of the load (of a ship, aircraft, etc) for which payment is received, eg passengers and cargo, but not fuel. (船、飞机等) 收费的载重; 酬载 (如旅客与货物, 但使用的燃料不计在内) 。 b bomb in a missile. 飞弹所载之炸弹。 c crew and instruments of a spacecraft, 太空妬中的人员和仪器。 'paymaster n official responsible for paying troops, workers, etc. (负责发放薪饷的) 军需官; 出纳员; 发款员。 .paymaster 'general, officer at the head of a department of the Treasury. (英国财政郓的) 会计长。 'pay-off n (colloq) (time of) full and final settlement of accounts or of final retribution or revenge. (俗) 总结算 (的时刻); 报复 (的时刻); 报应 (的时刻) 。 'pay-packet n envelope or packet containing pay, 薪水袋。 'pay-phoneZ-station n (US) coinoperated telephone call-box. (美) (投硬币的) 公共电话 (亭) 。 'pay-roll/ sheet n a list of persons to be paid and the amounts due to each. 薪饷表; 工资单 (载明每人应得的薪额) → (b)total amount of wages, salaries, etc to be paid to them. 所有贝工薪给的总数。 'pay-slip n slip of paper included in a pay-packet, showing how pay has been calculated, deductions for tax, etc. (放在薪水袋内注明薪资核算方法、扣税额等的) 薪资核算单。




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