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单词 pay
释义 pay2 /pei; pe/ vt, vi (pt, pp paid) /peid; ped/ (For special uses with adverbial particles and preps, 0 6 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法,参看下列第 6 义。) 1 [VP6A, 12A, 13A, 14, 3A] pay sb; pay for sth; pay sb for sth; pay sb sth; pay sth (to sb) (for sth)., give (sb) money for goods, services, etc: 付给; 付款; 付还; 戒付 (某人): You must pay me what you owe. 你必须把你所欠我的付给我。 You must pay for what you eat and drink. 标必须付你吃喝的焚用。 Have you paid the milkman this month? 你荡隅月付款给资牛奶的人了吗? I paid you the money last week. 我上星期把钱还 (付) 给你了。 He paid £600 to a dealer for that car. 他花了六百傍向汽车商人买了那辆车子。 I pay £5 a week for guitar lessons. 我毎周为吉他课付五镑学费。 2 [VP2A, 14, 12A, 13A] give (sb) reward or recompense: 给 (某人) 报酬; 报偿; 补 tft: He says that sheep farming doesn't pay, that it isn't profitable. 他证养羊不赚钱。 He has been amply paid for his trouble. 他的辛劳已经获得很丰富的报酬。 They say it pays to advertise. 他们说登广吿很有用。 3 [VP6A] settle (debts, etc): 微 i§; 付淸 (债务等): Have you paid all your debts yet? 你偿还你全部的债了吗? He has paid his bills/dues/subscriptions / taxes. 他已付淸帐単 (应付之款, 订阅费,税金) 。 put paid to sth, (colloq) settle it; end it so that it gives no more trouble. (俗) 解决某事物; 结束某事物以免再有麻烦。 4 [VP6A, 12A, 13A] ~ (to), give, eg attention, respect, etc to: 给予; 付出 (如注意力、敬意等): Please pay more attention to your work. 请更加注意你的工作。 He has called to pay (- offer) his respects. 他曾经前来拜访致敬。 He seldom pays his wife any compliments, seldom compliments her. 他很少称赞他的太太。 I look forward to paying you a visit (= visiting you) next week. 我期待着下星期去拜访你。 5 (phrases) (片语) pay ones wayt not get into debt. 彳(负债。 pay through the nose, nose1 (1). ,pay-as-you-'earn, (abbr 略作 PAYE), method of collecting income tax (in GB) by requiring employers to deduct it from earnings. 预扣所得税 (英国的一种征收所得税的方法,要求雇主在发薪时就扣撤所得税) 。 payable /'peiabl; 'peabl/ adj which must or may be paid. 应付的; 哉付的。 payee /pei'i:; pe'i/ n person to whom sth is (to be) paid. 旻付人; 受款人。 payer n person who pays or who is to pay. 付款人; 付给名。 6 [VP15B, 3A, 2C] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps) : (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法): pay sth back, return (money, etc) that has been borrowed. 归还; 偿还 ay sb back/out (for sth), punish him; have one's revenge: 惩罚某人; 向某人报复: I've paid him out for the trick he played on me. 我已经报复他对我的愚弄。 pay for, a c1 above. 参看上列第 1 义。 b suffer pain or punishment for: 为…受痛苦或惩罚: He'll have to pay for this foolish behaviour. 他落为这种愚蠢行为而得到报应。 pay sth in; pay sth into sth, deposit (money) with a bank, to one's own or another's account: 将钱存入 (自己或他人的) 银行帐户: Please pay this sum into my/my wife's account. 请把这笔钱存入我的 (我太太的) 帐户。 pay sb off, a pay sb his wages and discharge him. 给薪解雇; 遣散。 b pay in full and be free from obligation: 全志还淸: pay off one's creditors; 把所有债权人的债都还淸; pay off the crew of a ship. 发淸全船船员的薪水。 pay-off at pay' pay sth out, a give money, eg in settlement of expenses: ■ 隹 (如付淸费用): When you move into a new house you really have to start paying out (money). 当你迁入新居,你就得开始付钱了。 b (naut) allow (rope) to run out freely through the hands; slacken (rope) so that it runs freelv. (航海) 放松 (绳子) 使其顺手滑出。 pay up. pay in full what is owing: 付淸; 做淸: If you don't pay up, I'll take you to court. 如弃你不还淸欠款, 我就到法院吿你。




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