释义 |
龙(龍)lónɡⅠ ❶ {动} (古代传说中的神异动物) dragon ❷ (古代巨大的爬行动物) a huge extinct reptile: 恐 ~ dinosaur; 翼手 ~ pterodactyl ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 庆 Long Qing Ⅱ (属于帝王的) imperial: ~ 袍 imperial robe; ~ 廷 imperial court ◆龙船 dragon-boat; 龙胆 {植} radix gentianae; rough gentian; 龙的传人 descendants of the dragon (metaphor for the Chinese nation); 龙灯 dragon lantern; 龙飞凤舞 like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing — lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy; beautiful penmanship; elegant handwriting; exquisite calligraphy; flourish one's pen quickly and dexterously; make beautiful strokes with one's pen; swift movement of calligraphy; The long hand was just like dragons flying and a phoenix dancing — the lively style of penmanship.; 龙凤呈祥 prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix; in extremely good fortune; 龙宫 TheDragon King's palace; 龙骨 a bird's sternum; {中药} fossil fragments; keel; 龙井 Longjing, a famous green tea produced in Hangzhou; Dragon Well tea; 龙驹凤雏 a young talented scholar; 龙卷 {气} spout; tornado; 龙口夺粮 snatch food from the dragon's mouth — speed up the summer harvest ̄ing before the storm breaks; 龙葵 {植} black nightshade; nightshade; 龙马精神 the vigour of a dragon or horse — vigorous spirit of the aged; full of vigour [vitality]; 龙门刨床 {机} planer; planing machine; double housing planer; frame planer; closed planer; 龙门起重机 gantry crane; goliath crane; 龙门石窟 the Longmen Grottoes (in Luoyang); 龙门铣床 {机} milling planer; gantry type milling machine; linear milling machine; planomiller; planomilling machine; plane milling machine; 龙脑 {化} borneol; camphol; borneo camphor; 龙年 the year of dragon; 龙盘虎踞 a terrain of strategic importance; a coiling dragon and a crouching tiger — a forbidding strategic point (usu. referring to the city of Nanjing); a mountain towering above a river; a strategic stronghold, formidable in aspect, dominating an important pass or trade route; 龙配龙, 凤配凤 Let beggars match with beggars.; 龙蛇混杂 There were snakes and vipers creeping around among the dragons — high and low were mixed together.; 龙舌兰 {植} century plant; maguey; american agave; 龙生龙, 凤生凤 A child with clever and intelligent parents will do better than a child with dull and stupid ones.; Like begets like.; 龙虱 {动} predacious diving beetle; 龙潭虎穴 a chasm for dragon to hide or a cave for tigers to have their lair; a dragon's pond and a tiger's cave — dangerous places; a dragon's pool and a tiger's den — a danger spot; 龙套 actor playing a walk-on part in old-style opera; utility man; 龙腾虎跃 dragons rising and tigers leaping — a scene of bustling activity; a place where dragons soar and tigers leap; a scene of hustle and bustle as in a worksite, a farm-yard, a building lot, etc.; 龙头 tap; cock tap; faucet; bib(b)cock; bib(b); front of mud flow; cock; 龙王 the Dragon King; the God of Rain in Chinese mythology; 龙舞 dragon dance; 龙虾 lobster; bermuda lobster; crayfist; prawn 龙骧虎步 walk with one's head up like a dragon or tiger; walk with majestic steps;prance;martial gait; 龙须菜 [方] {植} (石刁柏) asparagus; 龙须草 {植} Chinese alpine rush; 龙血 {有化} dragon's blood; 龙牙草 {植} hairyvein agrimony; feverfew; 龙眼 {植} (桂圆) longan; euphoria longan; 龙吟虎啸 cries of dragons and tigers; the roar of dragons and tigers; Dragons sing and tigers roar.; (It was like) the snorting of dragons, the howling of tigers.; 龙爪槐 Chinese pagoda tree; 龙争虎斗 The dragons and tigers fought.; a dragon and a tiger in combat; 龙钟 [书] decrepit; senile; 龙舟 dragon boat 龙longthe dragon as the symbol of the emperor |