释义 |
鼓ɡǔⅠ ❶ (打击乐器) drum:定音 ~ tympani; 锣 ~ 喧天 a deafening sound of gongs and drums ❷ (形状、声音、作用像鼓的) drum-like things:耳 ~ eardrum ❸ (姓氏) a surname:~ 震 Gu Zhen Ⅱ ❶ (使物体发声;敲) sound;beat;strike:~ 瑟吹笙 play lutes and blow pipe instruments;~ 掌 applaud;clap one's hands ❷ (用风箱等扇) fan;blow with bellows:~ 风 work a bellows;make a blast ❸ (发动;振奋) stir up;rouse;agitate;pluck up;incite ❹ (拍打) flap:~ 翅 clap the wings; 那只鸟 ~ 翼向河的上游飞去。 The bird flapped (its way) up the stream. ❺ (凸起;涨大) bulge;pout:~ 着嘴 pout one's lips; 船帆迎风 ~ 起。 The sails swelled out in the wind. 他的两腮 ~ 得圆圆的。 He bulged his cheeks roundly.Ⅲ (凸起的;涨大的) bulging;swelling:~ ~ 囊囊的书包 a bulging bag Ⅳ (古代夜间计时单位,更) watch:五 ~ the fifth watch of the night ◆鼓板 {音} clappers; 鼓肠 intestinal tympanites;meteorism; 鼓翅蝇 sepsidae; 鼓吹 advocate;[贬] preach;advertise;play up;agitate; 鼓槌 drimstick; 鼓捣 [方] tinker;with;fiddle with;egg on;incite; 鼓点子 drumbeats;clapper beats which set the tempo and lead the orchestra in traditional Chinese operas; 鼓动 promote;tickle;actuate;agitate;arouse;instigate;incite; 鼓肚蜘蛛 gossamer spider; 鼓风 {冶} airing;blast;blow in;air-blast;air-blasting;blast air;blasting;furnace blast; 鼓风机 blowing machine;bellows;air-blast gin;air-blower;blast airfan;blast blower;blower;blower fan;blowing engine;gas pump; 鼓风炉 {冶} blast furnace; 鼓腹而歌 sing while the stomach is as full as a drum — well-fed and happy; 鼓腹而游 play while patting the belly;lead a carefree life; 鼓骨 tympanic bone; 鼓鼓囊囊 bulging;swelling out;bellying;roll; 鼓脚 spur; 鼓角齐鸣 beat the drums and blare the trumpets [horns];The beating of drums and the blare of trumpets came from every side.; 鼓励 encourage;incite;embolden;hearten;flatter;pull for;foster;poke;firm;comfort;urge;a pat on the back;pat sb. on the back.; 鼓励竞争,防止垄断 encourage competition and prevent momopoly; 鼓励性管理方法 supportive approach to supervision; 鼓励性价格 incentive price; 鼓楼 drum-tower; 鼓轮 {工} drum;drum wheel; 鼓面撑 brace; 鼓面圈 flesh hoop; 鼓膜 {解} drumhead;tympanum;myrinx;membrane tympani;myringa;timbal;tympanic membrane;eardrum; 鼓盘 {纺} drum; 鼓盆地形 hummock-and-hollow topography;knob-and-basin topography;rundhall; 鼓盆而歌 sing beating on a basin; 鼓盆之戚 be bereaved of one's wife; 鼓皮 drum head; 鼓破乱人捶 Everybody hits a man who is down.; 鼓起 call up;muster up;pluck up;blowup;puff;swell;bag;balloon;rally;lump;gather;take heart; 鼓气 air-blowing; 鼓琴 tamburitza;tambouritza; 鼓舌如簧 talk glibly;wag one's tongue with honeyed words; 鼓舌摇唇 spread rumors;flatter;gossip; 鼓声 tum; 鼓声震地 Drums rolled as though the earth was rending.; 鼓式打印 barrel printing; 鼓手 drummer; 鼓桶 drum; 鼓舞 inspire;hearten;embolden;nerve;stimulate;gladden;infuse;fortify;kindle;support;sustain;impulse;brace; 鼓舞斗志 inspire [stimulate] the fighting spirit; 鼓舞人心 inspiring;heartening;inspirational;most comfortable;very encouraging to the people;set the hearts of the people aflame;gladden the people's hearts; 鼓舞士气 enhance troop morale;encourage soldiers to keep up a high morale; 鼓舞作用 inspiring effect; 鼓响 tympany; 鼓形 cydariform;drum type; 鼓音 tympanitic note;tympany;tympanic resonance; 鼓乐 strains of music accompanied by drumbeats; 鼓乐大作 strike up the drums and trumpets; 鼓乐喧天 a great din of drums and pipes;Loud music fills the air.; 鼓藻 Cosmarium;desmids (常见浮游藻类);鼓噪 make an uproar;raise a hubbub;clamour; 鼓噪而进 charge ahead shouting and beating drums; 鼓噪四起 rise up with a great clamour;rise in a hubbub;boil (bustle) in hurly-burly;pitch in and raise an uproar;make a great to-do; 鼓掌 clap one's hands;applaud; 鼓胀 {中医} meteorism;tympanites;ballooning (指在机座之间的管子);tympania,tympanism;pulvination;tympany; 鼓涨 blow-up; 鼓钟机心 {钟} drum movement; 鼓铸 founding; 鼓足干劲 go all out;exert the utmost effort; 鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义 Go all out,aim high and achieve [gain] greater,faster,better and more economical results in building socialism.; 鼓足勇气 muster (up) one's courage;call up all one's courage;pluck [screw] up one's courage; 鼓嘴弄舌 wag one's tongue 鼓drum
鼓drum 鼓gǔ❶hard hymen ❷imperforatedhymen ❸tympanites |