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单词 黯然销魂

黯然销魂àn rán xiāo hún

be beside oneself with grief;be extremely sad; grief-stricken; one’s soul is melting away; sorrow at parting
❍ 芦沟折柳,的确是~的事,可是按这趟的情形,也还算不幸中的大幸。(田汉《关汉卿》98) That we should have to part here on this bridge is indeed a sad thing. But considering what has happened,your departure is certainly the best thing we can expect.
❍ ~者,惟别而已矣。(江淹《别赋》)❶There is no sorrow like the sorrow at parting.
❷O what pain it is to part.

黯然销魂an ran xiao hun

extremely sad and depressed

黯然销魂an ran xiao hun

be deeply grieved,such as parting

黯然销魂àn rán xiāo hún

心情沮丧就像丢了魂一样。形容非常悲伤。beside oneself with sorrow, be extremely sad, grief-stricken, sorrowful at parting





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