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单词 黔驴技穷

黔驴技穷Qián lǘ jì qióng

the proverbial donkey in ancient Guizhou has exhausted its tricks—at one’s wit’s end; at the end of one’s rope (/tether/resourcefulness); have exhausted one’s bag of tricks;have no more arrow left in one’s guiver;have nothing(/no card) left up one’s sleeve; show feet of clay
❍ 他们已经感到~,无计可施了,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》253) They’re desperate and are beginning to waver…/~。还是叫你们的后台老板出来吧!(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》193) So you’ve exhausted your bag of tricks.It’s about time your called out your boss from backstage!


like the proverbial Guizhou donkey which has exhausted its tricks—at one’s wit’s end;at the end of one’s tether

黔驴技穷qián lǘ jì qiónɡ

黔:贵州省的简称;穷:尽。黔地的毛驴本领用尽了。比喻有限的本领已经用完了。the proverbial donkey in ancient Gui Zhou has exhausted its tricks, at one’s wit’s end, have shot one’s bolt, have no other tricks left to play





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更新时间:2025/1/19 15:14:23