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单词 well
well3/wel/ adv (better/′betə(r)/, best/best/)

(1)好,满意地(nicely or satisfactorily): get along~with sb 和某人相处得好; hear/see~视觉/听觉好; behave/eat~表现得/饭吃得很好;The picture books are~drawn. 这些小人书画得很好。Tom writes/reads better than his brother. 汤姆比他兄弟写/读得好。Wish everything goes~with you. 祝你万事如意。Things didn't go~for my daughter at school first,but now she is all right. 我的女儿在学校起初不很顺利,现在一切都好了。These colours go quite~together in your room. 你房间的这些颜色很协调。The project worked out better than I thought. 这一项目实行的结果要比我想象的更加令人满意。The rice is~done. 米饭做得很好。Money should~be spent. 钱应该好好地花。That is~said. 说得好。W~done/played/run! 干/玩/跑得好! Wbegun is half done.(prov) 好的开始等于成功了一半。〖同〗satisfactorily,successfully,advantageously,favourably,perfectly;〖反〗badly,unsatisfactorily,unsuccessfully,imperfectly;
 (2)和蔼地,友好地(kindly): They treated me~.他们友好地待我。She spoke/talked to me very~. 她和蔼地与我讲话/谈话。〖同〗nicely,agreeably,kindly;〖反〗unkindly,badly;
 (3)彻底地,完全地,仔细地(thoroughly or completely or carefully):know the neighbours/classmates/friends/situation~对邻居/同学/朋友/形势很了解;Shake the medicine~before taking it. 服前将药水摇匀。The girl didn't do the washing-up~. 这个女孩没有将餐具洗干净。You know quite~that a drunken driver is not allowed to drive. 你非常清楚司机酒后不许驾车。Please read the form~before you fill it out. 填表之前请仔细阅读。The secretary is~able to manage the matter on her own. 秘书完全能够独自处理这件事。〖同〗thoroughly,fully,completely;〖反〗poorly,indifferently,incompletely;
 (4)夸奖地,称赞地(praisefully or commendably):The teacher spoke/thought~of his favourite students. 老师称赞/夸奖他所喜爱的学生。〖同〗favourably;〖反〗unfavourably;
 (5)合理地,适当地,可能地(reasonably or properly or probably)(与can、could、may、might 连用): I could not very~say so in the presence of so many people. 我不能当着那么多人的面这么说。You cannot very~refuse my offer/turn down her invitation,can you? 你不好拒绝我的提议/拒绝她的邀请,是吗? You can very~walk off now. 你现在满可以走了。It may~be that they are delayed. 很有可能他们被耽搁了。The boss might~give consideration to our requirements. 老板很可能考虑我们的要求。She may~be wrong. 她很可能是错的。〖同〗properly,rightly,correctly,suitably;〖反〗unjustly,unfairly,incorrectly,improperly;
 (6)到相当的程度(to a considerable or suitable extent or degree):He is~pleased/past forty/advanced in years/out of sight. 他相当满意/40多岁了/已有相当年纪/已走远看不见了。This old vase is worth~over a million dollars. 这只古花瓶得值100万美元以上。The fame of this college has spread~beyond its country. 这所大学已四海闻名。She is~forward with her work. 她的工作进展得相当顺利。It was~on in the evening. Call them tomorrow. 天太晚了,明天再给他们打电话。
 as well (as) 也,还,而且:They are good at swimming as~. 他们还善于游泳。This is very important for you as~as for me. 这件事对你我都相当重要。
 be well out of sth 幸亏没牵涉在某事中(infml):She was~out of that scandal. 她幸亏没牵连到那件丑闻中去。
 be well up in sth 消息灵通,非常熟悉:This scientist is~up in the latest developments of electronics. 这位科学家对电子学的最新发展了如指掌。
 come off well 结果好:The plan came off~. 计划顺利完成。
 do oneself well 生活优越: They are working very hard to do themselves~. 他们工作非常努力以使自己的生活过得好些。
 do well 1)成功,兴旺:His shop is doing quite~.他的店买卖兴隆。2)身体康复好(仅用prog): The patient was doing~. 这位病人恢复得不错。
 do well by sb 慷慨对待某人:He's done very~by me over the past few years. 在过去的几年中,他对我一直很慷慨。
 do well for oneself 1)成功: This young man was doing~for himself in this company. 这位年轻人在这个公司里干得很成功。2)富裕: The farmers are doing~for themselves by growing vegetables. 农民们通过种植蔬菜使生活富裕起来。
 do well out of sb/sth 从某人/某事中得到好处:He did~out of that deal/the sale of his house. 他从那桩交易/出售自己的住房中得到了好处。
 do well to do sth 可取,最好:You would do~to say nothing about what has happened/to tell him the truth. 你最好对所发生的事情一言不发/告诉他真相。
 leave/let well alone 满足(维持)现状:Leave/Let~alone,you have got what you deserve. 还是见好就收吧,你已经得到了你应该得到的一切。
 may/might (just) as well do sth 1)不妨:You may/might just as~tell me the truth. 你不妨告诉我真相。2)还不如做某事:You might as~not bother. 你还是别操心的好。
 stand well with sb 受人喜爱: The secretary stood~with the staff since she was an easy-going girl. 秘书是个为人随和的女孩,受到全体员工的喜爱。
 very well 那(很)好:Very~,then we'll talk it over again tomorrow. 好吧,我们明天再商讨这件事。
 well and truly 完全地(infml):The driver was~and truly drunk and he could not drive. 司机完全醉了,不能开车。
 well aware of sth/that... 充分了解或意识到:They are not~aware of the danger. 他们并未充分意识到有危险。I was quite~aware that he could not be trusted. 我完全知道不能信任他。
 well away 有进展:The research work has been pretty~away. 研究工作进展顺利。
 well in (with sb) 被视为密友(自己人)(infml):You seem to be pretty~in with your neighbours. 看来你跟邻居相处得很好。
 well off 1)富裕: This family was far from being~off. 这个家庭远远算不上富裕。2)境况良好: I am pretty~off where I am. 我目前境况很好。
 well off for sth 有很多:This city is not quite~off for drinking water. 这个城市的饮用水不足。
 →͵well-ad′vised adj 有见识的;审慎的;͵well-ap′pointed adj 备有所需设备的;͵well-′balanced adj 明智的;情绪稳定的;͵well-′behaved adj 举止端庄的;′well-being n 健康;͵well-′born adj 出身名门的;͵well-′bred adj 有教养的;͵well-′built adj 健壮的;͵well-con′nected adj 与有钱有势的人有亲友关系的;͵well-dis′posed adj 怀有好意的;有好感的; ͵well-′done adj 熟透的,烹调时间久的;͵well-es′tablished adj 历史悠久的;͵well-′fed adj 吃得好的;͵well-′founded adj 有根据的;͵well-′heeled adj 有钱的(infml);͵well-in′formed adj 有见识的;消息灵通的;͵well-in′tentioned adj 善意的;͵well-′known adj 著名的;͵well-′meaning adj 好心的;͵well-′meant adj 好心好意的;͵well-′oiled adj 喝醉的;͵well-pre′served adj 不显老的;保存得好的;͵well-′read adj 看书多的;博学的;͵well-′rounded adj 丰满的;全面的;͵well-′set-up adj 健壮的;͵well-′spoken adj 善于辞令的;͵well-′thought-of adj 受人尊敬的;͵well-′thumbed adj 书页上有污斑或破损处的;͵well-′timed adj 适时的;͵well-to-′do adj 富有的;͵well-′tried adj 经过考验的,可靠的;͵well-′turned adj 措辞高雅的(fml);͵well-′versed adj 熟知的,精通的;͵well-′wisher n 表示良好祝愿的人;͵well-′worn adj 滥用的,破旧的;
 【辨异】as well alsotoo either 的区别见ALSO。





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