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单词 pass
释义 pass2 /pas US: paes; paes/ vi, vt (pp ~ed, or, as adj past /past US: paest; paest/) (For special uses with adv and preps, c19 below.) (与副词及介词连用的特殊用法参看下列第 19 义。) 1 [VP2A, C] move towards and beyond, proceed (along, through, down, etc): 前进; 通过; 穿过 (与 along, through, down 等连用): ~ through a village. 经过一个村庄。 Please let me 请让我过去。 The road was too narrow for cars to ~. 这条路太窄,车子过不去。 The two ships ~ed each other during the night. 那两艘船在夜间错过了。 I glanced at her and ~ed on. 我看亍她一眼, 继续往前走。 He ~ed in front of/behind me. 他从我前面 (后面) 经过。 They ~ed by, went past. 他们走过去了。 Hence, 由此产生,, ~ er-,bY n (pl passers-by) person who ~es sb or sth: 过路人; 偶然经过的人: The purse was picked up by a ~ er- by. 钱包被路人捡到了。 2 [VP6A] leave (a person, place, object, etc) on one side or behind as one goes forward: 经过: Turn right after ~ing the Post Office. 经商邮局后向右转。 I ~ed Miss Green in the street. 我在街上遇见格林小姐。 3 [VP6A] go through, across, over or between: 通过: The ship ~ed the channel. 船驶过海峡。 No complaints ~ed her lips. 她毫无怨言。 4 [VP2A] (of time) go by; be spent: (指时间) 过去; 消逝: Six months ~ed and still we had no news of them. 六个月过去了,而我们还没有他们的消息。 The time ~ed pleasantly. 很愉快地度过了那一段时间。 5 [VP6A] spend (time): 消磨 (时蔺): How shall we ~ the evening? 我们如向消房今疏的时间? What can we do to ~ the time? 我们能做什么来消磨时间? 6 [VP3A] - (from...) (to/into...), change from one state of things to another; change into another state of things: 改变事物的状况; 变成另一种状况: Water ~es from a liquid to a solid state when it freezes. 水冻结时由液体变成固体。 When water boils it ~es into steam. 水煮沸时变为蒸气。 7 [VP6A, 15B, 12A, 13A] give by handing: 传递: Please ~ (me) the butter. 请把奶油递过来 (给我) 。 The letter was ~ed on/ round to all the members of the family. 那封信给全家人传阅。 The note was ~ed round the table. 那字条由桌子周围的人传阅。 8 [VP6A] utter: 说出: ~-a remark, say sth. 说一些话。 ~ the time of day with sb, engage them in light conversation, W 某人寒暄或打招呼。 9 [VP6A, 2A, C] (cause to) circulate: (使) 流通:传布: He was imprisoned for ~ing forged banknotes. 他因使用伪钞而被监禁。 He ~es under the name of Mr Green, is known and accepted as Mr Green. 他用格林先生这个名字。 10 [VP6A, 2A] examine and accept; be examined and accepted: 审査通过; 考试及格: Parliament the Bill. 国会通过那个法案。 The Bill ~ed and became law. 那个法案已经通过成为法律。 The examiners ~ed most of the candidates. 主考人让大部分参加考试的人及格。 The candidates ~ed (the examination). 参加考试的人都及格了。 Will the play ~ the censor? 那个剧本会通过检査吗? We have to ~ the Customs before We leave. 我们在离开以前,得先通过海关检查。 11 [VP2A, C] take place; be said or done (between persons): 发生; (在人们之间) 说出或做出: Did you see/hear what was ~布 g? 你有没有看见 (听到) 所发生的事情? Tell me everything that between you. 把你们之间的一切情形吿诉我。 12 [VP6A] be beyond the range of: 超过; 超出…之范 M: a story that ~es belief. 无法令人相信的故事。 It ~es my comprehension. 那是我所不能了解的。 13 [VP14] ~ sth on sth/sb. give (an opinion, judgement, sentence on sth or sb): (对某事物或某人) 表示 (意见); 作 (判断); 处 (刑): -sentence on an accused man. 将被吿判刑, I can't ~ an opinion on your work without seeing it. 我没有看到你的作品,不能发表意见。 14 [VP2A] be accepted without rebuke or blame; go unnoticed or unreproved: 不受非难而被接受; 被宽大的放过; 不被注意或不被读责: His rude remarks ~ed without comment. 他那些粗鲁的话没有受到批评。 I don't like it, but I'll let it ~ .will not make objections, etc. 我不喜欢它,但我并不会表示反对。 Such conduct may ~ in certain circles but cannot be tolerated here. 这种行为在某些圈子里也许没有问题,在此地却不允许。 ~ muster, cmuster. 15 [VP2A] (card games) let one's turn go by without playing a card or making a bid. (纸牌戏) 放弃出牌或叫牌。 16 [VP15A] move; cause to 'go: 使移动:使距行: He ~ed his hand across his forehead / his fingers through his hair. 他用手抚摸额头 (用手指梳理头发,[ ~ed a rope round the barrel. 我把一根绳子绕在桶上。 Will you please ~ your eye (= glance) over this note. U 张条子请你过 Q—To ~ water, (euphem) urinate. (法婉语) 小便。 17 (in football, hockey, etc) kick, hand or hit (the ball) to a player of one's own side. (足球、曲棍球等) 传 (球) 给本队的球贝。 18 [VP6A, 15A] cause (troops) to go by: 使 (部队) 走过: ~ troops in review. 检阅时使部队成分列式走过。 19 [VP2C, 15B] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps) : (RZ, 词接语及介词连用的特殊用法): pass away, (euphem) die: (套婉语) 源 It; 去世; 过世 He ~ed away peacefully. 他安详地逝世了。 pass sb/sth by, pay no attention to; disregard: 不注意; 忽视: I can't ~ the matter by -without a protest. 我不能忽视此事而不提出抗议。 pass for sb/sth, be accepted as: 被认为; 被当做: In this small village, he ~ed for a learned man. 在这个小村子里,他被视为学识性富的人。 Do I speak French well enough to ~ for a Frenchman? 我的法文能说得好到让人把我倦成法国人吗? pass in; pass into sth. gain admission (to): 获准入学; 获准进入: He ~ed into the Military College wifh no difficulty. 他毫无困难地获准就读军事学院。 pass off, a (of events) take place, be carried through: (指件) 发生; 进行: The meeting of the strikers ~ed off quietly. 罢工者的会议进行得很平静。 b (of pain, a crisis) end: (指痛苦、危机) 结束: Has your toothache ~ed off yet? 你的 if 疼好亍没有? ~ sth off, turn attention from: 不 LlI; 把注意力从移到他处: ~ off an awkward situation. 不去注意一个脂尬的处境。 ~ sth/sb off as sth/sb, represent falsely to be: 把某事物或某人假装为; 冒充: He tried to ~ himself off as a qualified doctor. 他试图口充合格医生。 pass on, (euphem) die: (委婉语) 逝世; 去 lit: I'm grieved to learn that your dear mother has. ~ed on. 应说令堂去世我非常难过。 ~ sth on. hand or give it (to sb else, to others). 将 (某物) 交给 (别人) 。 pass out, (colloq) faint; lose consciousness, (俗) 昏厥; 失去知觉。 ~ out (of sth), leave college, etc having ~ed one's examinations. 毕业; 通过考试。 Hence, 由此产生, ing-'oul (ceremony/par-ade), esp for cadets who have completed their training. 毕业 (典礼,游行) (尤指信已完成训练的军校学生所举行者) 。 pass sb over, overlook; fait to notice: 忽视; 不注意: They ~ed me over (eg failed io promote me) in favour of young Hill. 他们忽视我 (例如未提升我) ,而看重年轻的希尔。 pass through sth, experience it. 经历; 体验 。 pass sth up, (colloq) neglect it; not take advantage of it: (俗) 忽略; 放过 (某事物): ~ up an opportunity. 放过一次机会。




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