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❶ (像煤或墨的颜色) black: ~ 发 black hair
❷ (黑暗) dark: 天 ~ 了。It's dark.
❸ (秘密;不公开) secret;shady: ~ 交易 shady deal;~ 会 a clandestine meeting
❹ (坏;狠毒) wicked;sinister: 心 ~ 手辣 blackhearted and cruel
❺ (象征反动) reactionary: ~ 帮 reactionary gang Ⅱ ❶ (夜晚) night: 从早到 ~ from morning till night
❷ (黑龙江省的简称) short for Heilongjiang Province
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 云龙 Hei Yunlong
◆黑癌病 {植} black knot;
黑暗 dark;dim;midnight;reactionary;dark;
黑暗地狱 a hell of darkness — in which there is no ray of light;
黑疤病 black scar;
黑白 black and white;
黑白不分 Black and white are mixed together. — confound right and wrong;
黑白电视 black-and-white television;monochromatic television;monochrome television;
黑白分明 a clear distinction between black and white — no confusion;sharp contrast between black and white;Two attitudes stand in sharp contrast.;with black and white sharply contrasted;
黑白前 {植} black swallow-wort;
黑白显像管 black and white kinescope;monochrome picture tube;black and white television picture tube;
黑白信号 black and white signal;brightness signal;
黑白相间 chequered with black and white;in black and white check;black alternating with white;
黑斑 blackspot;{讯} black shading;dark spot;shade;{医} tache;
黑板 blackboard;
黑版 black print;
黑帮 reactionary gang;sinister gang;
黑背鸟[鱼] blackback;
黑背鸥 saddleback;jackbird;
黑不溜秋 [方] very black in appearance;swarthy;
黑潮 {地理} Kuroshio;Japan Current;
黑尘暴 black blizzard;
黑沉沉 very dark;
黑稻 black rice;
黑灯瞎火 [口] dark;obscure;unlighted;
黑底 black matrix;black base;
黑点 {物} shading;blackspot;dark spot;
黑貂 (紫貂) sable;
黑鲷 Sparus macrocephalus;black sea bream;black porgy;
黑洞洞 pitch-dark;
黑洞 {天} black hole;
黑豆 black soya bean;
黑度 blackness;density;
黑方 black (chess games);
黑非洲 Black Africa;
黑肺病 black lung;
黑粪 {医} melaena;
黑风 {气} reshahar;
黑腐病 {植} black rot;
黑更半夜 [口] in the dead of night;
黑肱 a surname;
黑咕隆咚 very dark;pitch-dark;
黑海 the Black Sea;
黑糊糊 black;blackened;rather dark;dusky; indistinctly observable in the distance;
黑话 (bandits') argot;(thieves') cant;double talk;malicious words;
黑鲩 (青鱼) black carp;
黑货 smuggled goods;contraband;sinister stuff;trash;
黑家白日 every day;all the days;
黑肩 a surname;
黑客 hacker 黑胶布 {电} black tape;friction tape;
黑枯病 backterial blight;
黑里泛红 have a tanned and glowing face;
黑里康大号 {音} helicon;
黑里透红 black touched with red;(as) brown as a berry;
黑沥青 albertite;
黑领工人 black-collar worker;
黑龙江 (江名) the Heilongjiang River;Heilongjiang (Province);
黑瘤 {医} melanoma;
黑煤层 blank band;
黑面包 black bread;brown bread;rye bread;
黑名单 blacklist;
黑墨汁 Chinese ink;Indian ink;
黑幕 inside story of a plot,shady deal,etc.;
黑幕重重 curtains after a black curtain — inside secrecy;
黑木耳 black fungus;
黑粘土 smolmitza;smonite;
黑啤酒 black [dark] beer;bock beer;
黑漆漆 pitch-dark;
黑热病 {医} kala-azar;viseral leishmaniasis;
黑人 Black people;Black;Negro;
黑如锅底 as black as the bottom of a frying pan;as black as a crow;
黑软土 altoll;
黑色 black (colour);
黑纱 (black) crape;black armband;
黑舌症 {医} black tongue;
黑社会 criminal syndicate;
黑市 black market;
黑视 blackout;
黑手 a vicious person manipulating sb. or sth. from behind the scenes;evil backstage manipulator;
黑手党 Mafia; Maffia;
黑水热 {医} blackwater fever;
黑死病 {医} (鼠疫) the plague;
黑松 Japanese black pine;
黑素沉着病 melanosis;
黑檀 ebony;blackwood;
黑陶 {考古} black pottery;
黑天摸地 be so dark that nothing is discernible;grope in the dark;
黑土 black earth;black soil;
黑匣子 {航空} black box;
黑箱 black box;
黑乡 black country;
黑心 black heart;evil mind;
黑信 [口] anonymous letter from a hostile pen;poison-pen letter;
黑信号 {电} black signal;
黑猩猩 chimpanzee;
黑熊 black bear;
黑压压 a dense or dark mass of;
黑眼镜 sunglasses;
黑药 black powder;
黑夜潜逃 make off at the dead of night;flee by night;
黑液 black liquor;
黑夷 a surname;
黑疫 black disease;
黑黝黝 shiny black;dim;dark;
黑幽默 black humour;
黑油油 jet-black;shiny black;
黑鱼 snakeheaded fish;snakehead;
黑玉 jet;
黑云密布 Dark clouds spread over (the sky) — the coming of a storm.;
黑云杉 Picea mariana;
黑云压城城欲摧 The city might crumble under the mass of dark clouds.;Dark clouds bearing down on the city threaten to overwhelm it.;reactionary forces in the ascendent;
黑晕 black halo;
黑枣 (软枣) Dateplum persimmon;
黑芝麻 Semen sesami nigrum;
黑纸真金字画扇 black fan with gilded painting and calligraphy;
黑痣 pigmented naevus;
黑中有白 The devil is not so black as he is painted.;
黑子 [书] black mole;{天}sunspot;spot;black








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