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单词 part
释义 part2 /part; part/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 2A, D] (cause to) separate or divide: (使)分离; 分开: The policemen ~ed the crowd. 警察排茧群弃。 We tried to ~ the two fighters. 我们试图把两个打架的人拉开。 Let us ~ friends, leave each other with no feeling of enmity. 让我们和和气气地分手。 The crowd ~ed and let us through. 人群分开来让我们通过。 ~ company (with sb), a end a relationship. (与 … )断绝关系。 b leave; separate from. 各自东西; 各奔前程 o c disagree: 意见不合: On that question / am afraid I must ~ company with you. 关于那个问题, 我恐怕要和你分道扬镜了。 2 [VP3A] ~ with, give up, give away: 放弃; 舍弃: He hates to ~ with his money, doesn't like to spend it or give it away. 他极不再欢花钱。 3 [VP6A] ~ one's hair, make a dividing line by combing the hair in opposite ways. 分头发(把头发梳向两边)。 ~ing n 1 [C] line where the hair is combed in opposite ways. 头发的分梳线。 2 [C, U] departure; leave-taking: 离开; 分别:(attrib) (形容用法) his ~ing injunctions, those given on taking leave. 他的临别训谕。 at the ~ing of the ways, at the point where the road divides or forks; (fig) when one has to choose between courses of action. 在路的分歧处; 在十字路口; (喻)到了必须抉择的时候。 ~ing shot - Parthian shot, Parthian.




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