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单词 weight
weight/weɪt/ n v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)重(分)量(amount of heaviness of sth or sb)[U]:gross/net/average~毛重/净重/平均重量;full/short~足/短秤;equal~of flour and sugar 分量相等的面和糖;What's your~? 你体重多少?be smaller in size but greater in~体积小,分量重; be (of) the same~重量(体重)相等; be twice sb's~是某人体重的两倍; grow both in height and~身高和体重都增加; buy/sell sth by~按重量买/卖; lessen~减轻重量; take one's~称体重; It's two kilos/light in~. 它重两公斤/分量轻。Her~has been steady at/increased to fifty kilos. 她的体重保持在/增加到了50公斤。put on/pick up/gain~增加体重; take off/lose~减轻体重; over/under~超重/过轻;〖同〗 heaviness;〖反〗 weightlessness;

(2)重(property of being heavy)[U]:The~of lead has widely been used.铅重的性能得到广泛利用。Because of the~of the overcoat,it is uncomfortable to wear. 由于大衣太重,穿着不舒服。

(3)重力,地心引力(quality of force or gravity force)[U]:the~of the planets 行星受到的引力;The~of an object is related to the force of gravity. 一个物体的重力与地心引力有关。〖同〗heaviness,gravity;

(4)重量单位(unit or system of standard measures of heaviness)[CU]:troy/metric/avoirdupois~金/米/常衡制;tables of~s and measures 度量衡表;〖同〗measurement;

(5)砝码,秤锤(砣)(piece of metal of stan-dard heaviness)[C]:standard~s 标准砝码;a one-pound~一磅重的砝码;put a two-pound~on the scales 在天平上放一个两磅的砝码;

(6)重物(heavy object used to hold sth down)[C]:a paper~镇纸; a clock worked by~s 靠钟锤走动的钟; a clock with two~s 有两个摆的钟; put down/lift/raise a~放下/抬/举重物; tie a~on a fishing line 在鱼线上拴一个坠子;〖同〗load,burden;

(7)负荷(担)(burden or load)[Ua~][N(of)]:support the~of the furniture/the roof/the water 支撑家具/屋顶/水的重压; The pillars have a great/heavy~to bear. 柱子支撑着重物。a great~of care/sorrow (fig)心事重重/忧心忡忡; under the~of all that responsibility (fig)在全部职责的重负之下; have a great~of responsibility (fig) 负有重大责任;feel the~of one's financial problems/this solemn obligation (fig) 感受到财政问题/这一神圣职责的压力;take/lift a~off sb's mind (fig) 消除某人的精神负担; The loss of the money is a~on my mind.(fig) 丢钱的事压在我的心上。The full~of decision-making falls on her.(fig) 决策的重任全落在她的肩上。〖同〗load,burden;

(8)重要(严重)性,影响力(importance or value or influence)[U]:an idea/argument of great~事关重大的想法/争论;Tax reform is a matter of some~. 税务改革是件有影响的事情。He is a politician and diplomat of~. 他是一位有影响的政治家和外交家。It is of no~to do sth. 做某事毫无价值。His approval/opinion/words/vote carried a lot of~.他的赞许/意见/话/投票关系重大。(sth) carry little~(某事)无关紧要; attach/add/give~to sth 重视某事; lay~on sth 强调某事的重要性; The~of his words is in her favour. 他的话对她有利。The~of his evidence is against her. 他的证据对她不利。What he said bears/has/carries~with us. 他所说的对我们有影响。The President swinged his~to get the law passed. 总统利用自己的权势使该项法律获得通过。〖同〗importance,influence,significance;〖反〗unimportance,insignificance;

pull one's weight 做好分内的工作:If everyone pulls his~, the work will be finished in time. 如果每个人各尽其责,这项工作一定能按时完成。

take the weight off one's feet 坐下(infml):Take the~off your feet a minute while I talk to you. 你坐一会儿,我和你谈谈。

throw one's weight about/around 盛气凌人,逞威风(infml): He started to throw his~about/around after his returning from abroad. 他从国外回来后开始盛气凌人。

weight of numbers 人多势众:They won the argument by sheer~of numbers. 他们靠人多势众在辩论中获胜。

→′weightless adj 无重量的;′weightlessness n 失重状态;′weighty adj 沉(繁)重的;重要的;′weightily adv 沉(繁)重地;重要地;′weightiness n 沉(繁)重;重要;′weight-lifting n 举重;′weight-lifter n 举重运动员;

vt(1)加重量(add weight to sth)[T+nT+n+prep(with)]:Don't~the boat too much. 别给船装载太重。The plane is~ed at the nose so that it balances correctly in flight. 这架飞机在机头部分增加了重量,所以可以在飞行中准确地保持平衡。~a walking stick with lead 灌铅来增加手杖的重量;The statue was~ed with a lead base. 铅座给雕像增加了分量。〖同〗load,burden;〖反〗lighten,unload;

(2)加重使下沉(cause sth or sb to drop with weight)[T+nT+n+prep(with),T+n+adv(down),T+n+adv(down)+prep(with)]:His gun~ed him to one side. 他被枪压得歪向一边。The fishing net was~ed with pieces of stone. 渔网上坠了一块块的石头。They~ed (down) the balloon to prevent it from flying away. 他们给气球坠上重物,防止气球飞走。The rope was~ed down with a two-pound weight. 绳子上坠有两码的重量。She was~ed down by two huge baskets/heavy taxes. 她被两个大包裹/重税压得喘不过气来。

(3)使偏向(袒)(do sth in a way that favours a particular person or group)[T+n+prep,尤pass]:The circumstances are~ed against/towards/in favour of the party in power. 形势对执政党不利/有利/有利。〖同〗unbalance;〖反〗 balance,justify;

weight sb down (v adv) 使某人负重(vt): She was~ed down with parcels. 她吃力地背着包裹。The mother was~ed down with care/troubles. 母亲心事重重/烦恼不堪。

→′weighting n 额外补(津)贴





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