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单词 weed
weed/wi:d/ nv [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)野(杂)草(unwanted wild plant)[C]:get rid of/pull(out)/root up/remove the~s 除草; The yard is overgrown with/full of~s. 这个院子里长了许多野草。The~s run riot in the field. 田地里杂草丛生。The gardener is pulling up the~s in the flowerbeds. 园丁正在拔除花坛中的杂草。poisonous~s 毒草;

(2)水草(unwanted wild plant or green floating mass that grows in water)[U]:The lake is full of~. 湖里长满了水草。green pond~角果藻;

(3)瘦弱(懦弱)的人(persons who are thin and physically weak or have a weak character)[C](infml)(derog): She is such a~. 她是这么一个纤弱的人。Don't be such a~! 别这么懦弱!

(4)烟草,香烟(tobacco or cigarettes)[U,通常the~](infml)(joc): I could hardly give up the~. 我难以把烟戒掉。the fragrant~烟草;〖同〗tobacco,cigarette;

→′weedy adj 多杂草的;瘦弱的;′weed-killer n 除草(莠)剂;

v除杂草(get rid of weeds)[IT+n]:She's been busy~ing in the garden/the fields all the morning. 早上她一直在花园/地里忙着除草。~the corn/the onion/the garden 除去玉米地/洋葱地/花园里的杂草;~the grass out of/from the garden 除去花园中的杂草;〖同〗remove,rid,root,uproot,separate,eliminate,eradicate;

weed out (v adv) 除去,淘汰 (vt):~out the unsuitable candidates/the incompetent staff/the unqualified applicants/the inexperienced players 淘汰不适宜的候选人/不胜任的工作人员/不合格的申请人/没有经验的运动员;The gardener is~ing out the weakest saplings. 园丁正在拔去最差的树苗。The veterinarian is~ing out the herd. 兽医正在淘汰最差的牲畜。





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