释义 |
鸦雀无声鸦默雀静yā què wú shēngnot a crow or sparrow is heard—silence reigns; all is quiet (/still); a complete hush (/silence) descends(/falls upon); be deadly silent (/deathly still);be wrapped up in dead silence; in a dead (deep/profound/an utter) silence; in absolute (/com plete/perfect) silence; not a bird can be heard; not a sound comes; there is not a cheep (/sound);without a murmur ❍ 太阳一步一步地爬上树头,屋顶,新河集变得~,……(陈登科《活人塘》22) Steadily,the sun climbed to the tops of the trees and burnished the house roofs. A complete hush descended on New stream. ❍ 屯子里家家关门闭户,~,一阵阵冷风刮过,把干巴树叶摇下来,顺着风溜沙沙地在道沟里滚动;……(石文驹《战地红樱》199) Every door was closed.All was still. A cold wind was blowing the yellowed leaves off the trees,and sweeping them along the small ditches by the streets. ❍ 这时,全场的人极兴奋,~地尖起耳朵听。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—261)In complete silence and great excitement ,the whole audience waited with all their ears pricked up. ❍ 当他出现在练兵场栅栏门里一米高的土台上,值星连长一声“立正”,如涛似浪,热火朝天的操场,顿时~。(曲波《林海雪原》1)When he appeared on the metre-high earthen plat form inside the stockade,the company officer of the day shouted. “Attention!” Instantly,the clamour ofthe drill field was stilled. ❍ 等她一张嘴,乖乖龙的冬,会场~,只听见菊霞小姐黄莺一般的声音歌唱似的在报告。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—246) When she speaks,my goodness—you could hear a pin drop; the only sound is the musical notes of Miss Juxia’s lovely voice. ❍ 大伙正唱歌,指导员王成德走上台,手一压,全场~。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》147) The men’s voices were raised in a chorus of song as political instructor Chengde ascended the earthen platform,He swung his hands in a downward motion,and complete silence fell upon the field. ❍ 这是警号!屋子里即刻~。(《陶承《我的一家》32) It was the signal of approaching danger! Not a sound came from the other room. ❍ 席间顿时变得~,伪军官们一个个感到不寒而栗。(杨佩瑾《剑》105)Perfect silence reigned. A shiver of horror passed over the puppet officers. ❍ ~。回答这卑鄙的劝诱的是:道静沉默一小俞也沉默。(杨沫《青春之歌》406) Silence followed.Both girls chose to ignore such base overtures. ❍ 会场上~。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》70) For a few moments there was a dead silence. ❍ 功夫不大,火车站的里里外外全都~了。(杨沫《青春之歌》534) A few moments later the whole place became utterly quiet,……/会客厅里是“~”。(《鲁迅选集》上—165) There was not a cheep in the room. ❍ 几百个人昂然不动、~地仰望着他那沉静的富有表情的面孔。(杨沫《青春之歌》133) With bated breath,the crowd of several hundred raised their heads to look at his imperturbable,expressive features. ❍ 四百多个青年坐在礼堂里却~,低着头在静静地谛听,面前全摊开一个小本子,迅速地在笔记本子上记着团课。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—377) The four hundred-odd young people were sitting there without a murmur listening quietly with bent heads,each with a notebook in front of him,noting down the lecture. 鸦雀无声not a crow or sparrow is heard—silence reigns;all is quiet;no birds sing 鸦雀无声yā què wú shēnɡ鸦:乌鸦;雀:麻雀。连乌鸦和麻雀的叫声都没有。形容非常寂静,一点声音也没有。silent reigns, all utterly quiet, be dead silent, in perfect silence |