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单词 鸡骨支床

鸡骨支床jī gǔ zhī chuáng

(said of a person,over grieved in mourning for the death of his parent] be reduced to a skeleton,and keep to one's bed
❍ 王戎和峤同时遭大丧,俱以孝称,王~,和哭泣备礼。(刘义庆《世说新语 ·德行》) Wang Rong and He Qiao experienced the loss of a parent at the same time. and bOth were praised for their fnlial devotion. Wang,reduced t o a skeleton,kept t o h i s bed ; while He,wailing and weeping,performed al l the rites.

鸡骨支床ji gu zhi chuang

use chick bones to support a bed—do something unable to finish withine one’s capability





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