释义 |
鸡飞狗走鸡飞狗窜jī fēi gǒu zǒufly off like a scared chicken or dog ❍ 日寇投降后,这个大佐特务,被人民撵得鸡飞狗窜,他的党羽,纷纷落网。(曲波《林海雪原》384) When the Japanese bandits surrendered,the spying colone’l,terrifie d of the people's anger,flew off like a scared c h icken. One by one,his cohorts dropped into the net. ❍ 那还是三四个月前头,因为孩子们的魂灵,要摄去垫鹿台脚了,欺吓得大家~,赶忙做起符袋来,给孩子们带上……(鲁迅《故事新编》122) Three or four months ago,when they wanted children'’s souls to put under the foundation of the stag Tower,the whole viilage started squawking likg frightened hens. No time was lost in making amulets for all the children tp wear…… |