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单词 鳏寡孤独

鳏寡孤独guān guǎ gū dú

widowers,widows,orphans and the childless—those who have no kith and kin and cannot support themselves
❍ 则不如觅死处,眼不见~,也强如没归着,……(《关汉卿戏剧集·包待制三勘蝴蝶梦》72)To die would be better than to live on alone with no one to support me,weeping and wretched to the end of my days.
❍ 互助组也要帮助~。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—117)The mutual-aid teams should also help widows,orphans and others not provided for.
❍ 一家伙把所有田少的户子都扯起拢来,还包下那些~,都吃哪个的?(周立波《山乡巨变》155)All the families with less land will be thrown in together with the rest,including widowers,widows,orphans,and the childless. Who’s going to support them all?/老而无妻曰鳏,老而无夫曰寡,老而无子曰独,幼而无父曰孤……(《孟子·梁惠王下》)There were the old and wifeless,or widowers; the old and husbandless,or widows; the old and childless,or solitaries; the young and fatherless,or orphans…


widowers,widows,orphans and the childless


widowers,widows,orphans and the childless;those who have no kith and kin and cannot support themselves

鳏寡孤独ɡuān ɡuǎ ɡū dú

鳏:老而无妻或丧偶的男子;寡:死了丈夫的女子;孤:没有父亲的孩子;独:没有子女的老人。泛指没有劳动能力,又没有亲人供养的人。those who have no kith and kin and cannot support themselves





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