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单词 weak
weak/wi:k/ adj [-er/-est

(1)(身体)虚弱的(lacking in physical strength or power):be (feel)~after an operation/a long illness/an attack of fever 手术/长期生病/发烧后身体(感到)虚弱;be(feel)~from hunger/with exertions 饿得无力/劳累得体虚; (illness) make sb~(病)使某人体弱; too~to walk far 体弱难以走得太远; be~in body but not in mind 体弱心不老; The old man was~and ill. 这位老人体弱多病。Her health was too~. 她的身体太虚弱了。My legs felt~/I felt~in the legs.我的腿软弱无力。asas water/cat (fig) 身体虚弱;意志薄弱;〖同〗faint,weakened;〖反〗 strong;

(2)脆弱的,不坚固的 (likely to breakcollapse or fail; not strong enough): a~barrier/fort/fortification/foundation/bridge 不坚固的屏障/堡垒/要塞/地基/桥; a~defence/link in a chain/link in an electrical system 脆弱的防御工事/易断的锁链/薄弱的电力系统中继; a table with~legs 一张腿不稳的桌子; a~army/team/nation 无战斗力的部队/弱队/弱国; in a~position 处于不利地位; (small farmer) be economically~by himself (小农)个体经济实力弱;The branches are too~to support the boy's weight. 树枝太不结实,支撑不住男孩的身体重量。The shelves are too~to hold the goods. 架子太不结实,承受不住这些货物。The walls are too~to hold up the roof. 墙太不坚固,无法支撑房顶。These pit props are~for the load. 这些矿用支架不结实,承受不住其负载。The supporters are~for the weight. 支柱不结实,无法承重。〖同〗breakable,delicate;〖反〗strong,powerful,strengthened;

(3)软弱的(not strong enough in nature): a man of~character 意志薄弱的人; be~by nature 生性软弱; a~law/measure 无力的法律/措施; a~creature 懦弱的人; a~leader/president/government/monarch 软弱的领导/总统/政府/君主;~leadership 无能的领导; He took a~stand on the issue. 他在这个问题上立场不坚定。be outwardly strong but inwardly~外强中干; He is not~when it comes to facing a danger. 面对危险,他一点儿也不怯懦。Everyone has some~spots. 每个人都有弱点。She is too~to disagree with others/to defend her rights/to give up her bad habit. 她太软弱了,不敢对别人说不/不能保护自己的权益/不能改掉坏毛病。the~er sex 女性;〖同〗powerless,soft;〖反〗strong,tough,powerful,firm;

(4)(经济)不景气的,疲软的(not financially successful or good): a~currency/economy 疲软的货币/不景气的经济; a~market for agriculture stocks 农业股票市场疲软;

(5)功能欠缺的(not functioning properly):have a~heart/stomach/mind/pulse 心脏衰弱/胃功能弱/头脑愚笨/脉搏微弱;He has~eyes. 他视力不好。~sight 弱视;be~in sight/hearing 视力/听力差;

(6)缺乏说服力的(not powerfuleffective or convincing):He presented~answers/arguments/evidence. 他作出的回答/提出的论点/提供的证据缺乏说服力。the~points of an argument 论据上的弱点;a~alibi/plot 没有说服力的托词/无感染力的剧情; Her story sounded~even to her own ears. 她的陈述连自己听起来也觉得缺乏说服力。〖同〗unconvincing;〖反〗 convincing,forceful,powerful,sound;

(7)微弱的(faint or dim):~sunlight 昏暗的阳光; a~light/signal/sound 微弱的光线/信号/声音; manage a~smile 强装出微笑; speak in a very~voice 用微弱的声音说; The light is too~to read by. 光太弱了,不能藉以读书。〖同〗dim,faint;〖反〗strong,powerful,beaming,brilliant;

(8)稀释的,多水的(having or containing too much water than normal):~tea/soup 淡茶/稀汤; a~solution of acid 稀酸溶液; Do you wish your coffee~or strong? 你想要淡咖啡还是浓咖啡? Please don't make my coffee too~. 请不要把我的咖啡冲得太淡。〖同〗watery,thin;

(9)没有能力的,达不到标准的(not competent or not up to the high standard) [A(at/in/on)][作 pred]:be~at handwork 手工做不好;I'm~at/in mathematics. (My mathematics is~.) 我的数学不好。These people are not~in mind.这些人头脑灵活。~in the head 笨的,傻的;be~in intelligence/pronunciation /science /spelling /practical matters 在智力/发音/理科/拼写/实际做事方面有欠缺; be~on names/the classical music 记不住人名字/不懂古典音乐; His essay/book/review was~on the period of the social changes.他的论文/书/评论对社会变革期间的论述水准不高。be~of brain/understanding 头脑迟钝/理解力差;〖同〗incompetent,incapable;〖反〗competent,capable,able;

weak at the knees 两腿发软,几乎站不住(infml): The dead body made me go all~at the knees. 那死尸吓得我两腿发软。

in a weak moment 易被诱惑或说服的时刻: In a~moment,I gave up my arguments. 一时心软,我放弃了争辩。

the weak n 弱者;身体虚弱的人;贫穷者(pl,接pl动词):The~are bullied by the strong at school. 弱小的学生在学校受到强壮学生的欺负。

→′weaken v 使弱;变弱;犹豫不决;͵weak-′headed adj 愚笨的,迟钝的;͵weak-′hearted adj 怯懦的;心肠软的;͵weak-′kneed adj 易屈服的;优柔寡断的;′weakling n 虚(软)弱的(人);′weakly adj & adv 虚弱的(地);软弱的(地);͵weak-′minded adj 低能的;懦弱的;不果断的;͵weak-′mindedly adv 迟钝地,愚笨地;′weakness n 软(虚)弱,优柔寡断;

【辨异】weak weakly feeble 均可以指人体虚弱,没有力量。weak 是常用字,形容由于年幼、年老或生病人身体虚弱没有充分的精力和体力,如:She has weak legs.(她的腿虚弱无力。)weakly(虚弱的)形容人久病体虚,或身体素质不强壮,如: a weakly child(一个不壮实的孩子); feeble(衰弱的,无效的)与 weak 相当,但有可怜等含义,如: She is too feeble to walk far.(她虚弱得走不远。)





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