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单词 鱼目混珠

鱼目混珠yú mù hùn zhū

palm off fish-eyes aspearls—pass off sth sham as genuine; mix thegenuine with the fictituious
❍ 他看我茫然无知的样子,又举出中国“~”的成语来作比喻,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》380) Seeing my incomprehension he used the Chinese saying “fish eyes mixed with pearls”to make me understand.
❍ 可是这些卖国的老爷们不是也在~,也在自称为爱国忧民的志士吗? (杨沫《青春之歌》562) Those bigwigs who are selling the country are trying to pass off fish-eyes as pearls,posing as brave patriots concerned for the people.

鱼目混珠yu mu hun zhu

pass off fish eyes as pearls—pass off sth.sham as genuine


pass off fish eyes as pearls;pass off the sham as the genuine;palm off the bad as the good

鱼目混珠yú mù hùn zhū

把鱼眼睛混杂在珍珠里面。比喻以假乱真。fob(foist) sth. off on sb., pass off the sham as the genuine, confuse thread and thrum, mix the genuine with the fake





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