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单词 魑魅魍魉

魑魅魍魉chī mèi wǎng liǎng

all sorts of evil spirits; demons and devils; freaks and goblins; ghost and sprites ; hobgoblins and monsters
❍ 群众一旦起来了,你们看,什么样的~能够不一扫而光呵?(杨沫《青春之歌》 605) Once the masses are aroused,you'’ll see—they'll make a clean sweep of all these die-hards!/僧尼道俗,走兽飞禽,~,滔滔都奔走那轮回之下,各进其道。(《西游记》 143) There were in fact monks,nuns,Taoists,and secular persons,and all varieties of beasts and fowls,ghosts and spirits. In an unending stream they all ran beneath the Wheel of Trans migration to enter each into a predestined path.
❍ 自云“只因我出来应世的二十年中,回头想来,所遇见的只有三种东西: 第一种是蛇虫鼠蚁; 第二种是豺狼虎豹; 第三种是~”。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》25) He says in the first chapter that "Thinking back over twenty year's experience of the world,he has met three types only:insects,beasts and goblins."/松落落秋萤之火,魑魅争光;逐逐野马之尘,罔两见笑。(《聊斋志异·自志》)As for me,I cannot,with my poor autumn fire-fly's light,match myself against the hobgoblins of the age. I am but the dust in the sunbeam,a fit laughing-stock for devils.

魑魅魍魉chi mei wang liang

demons and monsters

魑魅魍魉chī mèi wǎnɡ liǎnɡ

传说中的妖魔鬼怪。现在多用于比喻各种各样的坏人。evil spirits, demons and monsters, ghosts and spirits, freaks and goblins





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