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单词 wave
wave/weɪv/ v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/];n

v (1)(摇,摆)飘动(move to and fro or up and down)[I]:The willow trees/tall grass/wheat~d in the wind. 柳树/深草/麦子在风中摆动。The flag~d in the breeze. 旗子在微风中飘扬。a field of~ing corn/millet 一片波浪起伏的玉米/谷子地;〖同〗move,flap,swing,shake;

(2)(挥,招)摆手(move ones hand up and down or to and fro)[II+prep(at/to)]:We~d until they were out of sight. 我们一直招手,直到看不见他们。~at/to an acquaintance when crossing the street 穿过马路时,向一个熟人挥了挥手/招手;warmly~to the welcoming crowd 热情地向欢迎的人群招手致意;〖同〗shake,swing,signal,gesture;

(3)挥动(手或手中物)(cause one's hand or sth in one's hand to move up and down or to and fro)[T+nT+n+prep(at),T+n+adv(about),D+to+n+to-infD+n+nD+n+prep]:~a sword/a knife/a flag 挥舞剑/刀/旗帜;~one's hand/one's handkerchief to sb 向某人挥手/手帕;~one's fist in sb's face 对着某人挥拳头;~a hand/a stick/a gun at sb 向某人挥舞着手/棍子/枪;~one's arms /one's hands about (around) 挥舞着双臂/双手;~to sb to do sth 向某人挥手示意其做某事;~sb farewell/goodbye (~farewell/goodbye to sb) 向某人挥手告别;~sb a greeting 向某人挥手致意; 〖同〗move,shake,signal,gesture;

(4)(使)呈波形((cause sth to)become curves)[IT+n]:Her hair~s naturally. 她的头发天生卷曲。She might just have her hair~d. 她的头发可能刚刚烫过。~d hair 烫成波浪式的头发;

wave along/away/back/on (v adv)向……挥手示意向某方向移动(vt):The guard~d us away/back/out. 哨兵挥手让我们离开/回来/出去。The policeman~d the cars on. 警察挥手让汽车继续前进。

wave aside (v adv)不理会(vt):The chairman~d aside all our objections. 主席对我们的反对意见置之不理。

wave down (v adv)挥手示意让……停下来(vt):The traffic policeman~d the driver/the vehicle down. 交通警察挥手让司机/车辆停下来。

n(1)浪头(raised moving part on the surface of the sea)[C]:a tidal~潮汐;海啸;whip up huge/sea~s 掀起了巨/海浪;W~s urge~s. 后浪推前浪。The~s washed into the upper cabin/dashed against the shore. 海浪涌进了船的上舱/撞击着海岸。A great~swept up the beach/turned over the boat. 一排巨浪冲上海滩/打翻了那条船。The~s rolled on. 波涛滚滚。〖同〗roller,ripple;

(2)像波浪的事物(thing similar to this in appearance or movement)[C]:a heat/new~热浪/新潮; the~s of golden wheat in the field 田间金黄色的麦浪; a~of strikes/refugees 罢工/难民的浪潮; a~of anger/emotion 一阵愤怒/情绪激动; A~of soldiers attacked the town. 攻城的战士如潮涌一般。The first~of tourists came early this year. 旅游的第一个高潮今年到来得早。There's been a~of selling/buying on the stock exchange. 股票交易卖/买方人数骤增。〖同〗move,advance,file,line;

(3)海(sea)[pl](fml): live beneath the~s 生活在海底;The boat laboured over the~s. 船在海上艰难地前进着。〖同〗sea;

(4)挥(手)(gesture of waving a hand)[C]:give sb a cheerful little/friendly~向某人高兴地轻轻/友好地挥手; greet sb with a~挥手向某人致意; The Queen acknowledged the~s from the crowd. 女王回应人群中挥手致意的人们。A~of the chairman's hand silenced the audience. 主席一挥手,观众就安静了。a~of the magician's wand 魔术师魔杖一挥;〖同〗signal,gesture,motion;

(5)毛发的波纹(hair curves and arrangement)[C]:the~s in a girl's hair 女孩卷发上的波纹; arrange one's hair in~s 把头发作成波浪形;keep one's hair a~使头发保持波浪形; a permanent~烫成的卷发; Her hair has a natural~/grows in pretty~s. 她的头发自然卷曲/长成漂亮的卷发。〖同〗curve,curl,winding,roll;〖反〗straightness;

(6)突然发出(增加)(sudden appearance or increase)[C]:a~of indignation/anger/panic/enthusiasm/excitement/sympathy 突然迸发出的愤慨/愤怒/恐慌/热情/兴奋/同情; a massive~of student riots 大规模的学生骚乱; a~of prosperity/depression 一阵繁荣/萧条;〖同〗surge,rush,flood,rise;

(7)(热、光、声、磁、电等)波状运动(wave-like motion of some kinds of energy)[C]:a short/medium/long~短/中/长波;radio/ultrasonic~s 无线电/超声波;The radio station send out their messages on special~lengths. 无线电台用特殊的波长传送信息。sound/light/brain~s 声/光/脑波;〖同〗pulse,vibration;

in waves 一批一批;一阵一阵:The infantry attacked in~s. 进攻的步兵一批接一批。The pain/questions came in~s. 疼痛一阵接一阵/问题一批又一批。

→′waveband n 波段;′wavelet n 涟漪;′wavy adj 波(状)形的;′wavily adv 波(状)形地;′waviness n 波状





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