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单词 water
water/′wɔ:tə(r), AmE ′wɑ:-/ nv [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)水(most common liquid without coloursmell or taste)[U]:W~turns to steam when heated and to ice when frozen. 水加热变蒸汽,冷却后结冰。Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form~. 氢和氧化合构成水。Fish live in~. 鱼生活在水中。drain away/off the~排水;squeeze out the~from a towel/a dress/a coat 把水从毛巾/衣服/外套中挤出来; The ship took the~. 船下水了。soft/fresh/drinking/mineral~软/淡/饮用/矿泉水; W~finds/seeks its level. 水往低处流。There was a pool of~on the floor. 地板上有 一滩水。draw~with/in a sieve (pour~into a sieve) 竹篮打水一场空;go through fire and~for sth (fig) 为某事赴汤蹈火; Don't pour/throw/dash cold~on their optimism. 别给他们的乐观态度浇冷水。
 (2)自来水(this liquid which is supplied to homes or places through a pipe)[U]:The~was cut off/shut off. 停止供应自来水。turn on/off the~打开/关闭自来水;The flats on the top are without~in the hot summer. 炎热的夏天顶层公寓上不去自来水。cold/hot running~冷/热自来水;~rationing/shortages 自来水定量供应/短缺; a burst~main 爆裂的自来水管道;
 (3)(江、湖、河的)大片水域(mass or area of this liquid)[U]:fall in/dive into the~落水/潜水;a house by the~坐落在湖边的房子; go to/play at the~'s edge 到水边去/在水边玩; Let's go on the~this afternoon. 下午我们去划船吧。A breeze stirred tiny ripples on the surface of the~. 微风在水面上吹起小小的涟漪。The flood~rushed into the city.洪水涌进城市。She walked in~up to her thighs. 她在深及大腿的水中行走。〖同〗pool,lake,stream,river;〖反〗land;
 (4)(湖、河、海等的)水面(surface of a lakeriverseaetc)[U]:float on the~漂浮在水面上; swim/breathe under the~潜泳/在水下换气; below~在水面下; The river~stood 3 feet above the normal level. 河水高出正常水位三英尺。The boat draws six feet of~. 这条船吃水六英尺。〖同〗surface;
 (5)(湖、河等的)水域(mass of water in a lake or riveretc)[pl]:the coastal/defensive/stormy~s 沿岸/防御/多风暴的水域; the upper~s of the Yangtse 长江上游水域; the head-~s of the Nile 尼罗河的源头; The~s of the lake flow out over a large waterfall. 这个湖的水流出后形成一个大瀑布。A great ship asks deeps.(prov) 能人做大事(大船下深水)。Stills run deep.(prov) 沉默者深谋(静水流深)。
 (6)潮水的水位(state or level of the tide)[U]:at high/low~处于高/低潮;〖同〗tide;
 (7)领海(water territory near a particular country)[pl]:in home/foreign~s 在本国/外国领海内; The ship was in Chinese~s. 船在中国领海内。the territorial~s 领海;cross the~s 横渡领海;
 (8)尿(urine)[U]:cast one's~化验尿;bloody/red~血尿;〖同〗urine;
 (9)似水的流体(sth resembling water)[U]:rose-~玫瑰香水; soapy~肥皂水; strong~强酸; toilet~花露水; whoopee~(AmE,sl) 酒;〖同〗liquid;
 by water 由水路;乘船:The goods are transported by~in this area. 本地区货物由水路运输。We went there by~this time. 这次我们是坐船去的。
 in hot/deep water 处于困境:He was in/got into hot~. 他处于/陷入困境。
 hold water 经得起检验,站得住脚(infml):His account of the car accident won't hold~.他对车祸的描述站不住脚。
 like water 大量的,无节制的(infml):He spends money like~. 他挥金如土。
 (like)water off a duck's back 不发生作用: All my advice was to him like~off a duck's back. 我的一切忠告对他犹如耳旁风。
 a lot of/much water has flowed under the bridge 发生了很多事: A lot of/Much~has flowed under the bridge since we parted. 自从我们分手,已经发生了许多事情。
 make water 漏水:The ship is making~fast. 船漏得很厉害。
 make/pass water 撒尿(fml):We couldn't find a place to make/pass~. 我们找不到地方撒尿。
 of the first water 十足的,一流的: a scientist/scholar of the first~一流的科学家/学者; a fool of the first~十足的傻瓜;
 on the water 在水上:A boat is on the~. 水上有只船。The shipment is still on the~. 货物仍在水运途中。
 take the waters 到矿泉疗养地疗养: He is taking the~s at Bath. 他正在巴思矿泉疗养地疗养。
 under water 1)潜水: She can swim for considerable distance under~. 她能潜泳很长的距离。2)被水淹没:The road was under~after the heavy rain. 大雨过后路被淹了。
 water under the bridge 早已过去的事情:The misunderstanding between them was~under the bridge. 他们之间的误解早已是过去的事了。
 →′water-bed n 水床;′water-bird n 水鸟,水禽;′water-biscuit n 水面饼干(一种薄而脆的不甜的饼干);′water-borne adj 水运的;水污染带来的;′water-bottle n 水瓶(壶);′water-buffalo n 水牛;′water-butt n 大水桶;′water-cannon n 水炮(枪);′water-closet n 厕所(缩写 WC);′water-colour n (pl) 水彩(颜料);水彩画;′water-cooled adj 水冷的;用水冷却的;′watercourse n 河(水,渠)道;′water-diviner n 寻水源的人;′water-drain n 排水渠(沟);′waterdrainage n 放(排)水;′waterfall n 瀑布;′water-feed(er) n 给水器;′water-fowl n 水鸟,水禽;′freshwater adj 淡水的;′waterfront n 滨水路(区);′water-hammer n 水锤;′water-hole n 水坑;牲畜饮水处;′water-ice n 冰糕;′water-indicator n 水显示器;′water-jump n(障碍赛马中的)水沟障碍;′lavender-water n 薰衣草香水;′water-level n 水位,水平(面);′waterless adj 无水的;′water-lily n 睡莲;′water-line n(船的)吃水线,水线;′waterlogged adj 浸透(满)水的;′water-main n 总水管;′waterman n 船夫(工);′watermark n 水印(如纸币上的);水位标志;′water-meadow n 常浸水而肥沃的草地;′water-melon n 西瓜;′water-mill n 水磨坊;′water-pistol n 水枪;′water-power n 水力;′waterproof adj 防水的;v 防水;′water-rat n 水鼠;′water-rate n (自来)水费(尤 BrE);′rose-water n 玫瑰香水;′watershed n 分水岭(线);转折点;′waterside n 河边(畔);海滨;′water-ski n 滑水橇(通常pl);′water-skiing n 滑水运动;′soda-water n 苏打水;′water-softener n 硬水软化器(剂);′water-soluble adj 可溶于水的;′water-supply n 给(供)水(通常sing);′water-table n 地下水位;′watertight adj 不透(漏)水的;无懈可击的;′water-tower n 水塔;′waterway n 水路,航道;′waterweed n 水草;′water-wheel n 水轮(车);′water-wings n 翼型水浮袋;′waterworks n 自来水厂;泌尿系统; ′watery adj 水的,多水的;
 v(1)浇(洒)水(pourmoistensprinkle or soak with water)[T+n]:~the flowerbed/the lawn/the plant/the flower/the garden 用水浇花坛/草地/植物/花/花园;~the street/the road 在街/路上洒水; 〖同〗sprinkle,moisten,damp;〖反〗dry,sponge;
 (2)给……喝水(供水)(supply water to sb/sth for drink or for use)[T+n]:~the horses/the livestock/the cattle 给马/牲畜/牛饮水;~the ship/the train 给船/火车上水;
 (3)加水冲淡(dilute sth with water)[T+n]:~beer/wine/soup/milk 在啤酒/酒/汤/牛奶里加水;That pub~s its drinks. 那个小酒馆在饮料里加水。〖同〗weaken,thin;
 (4)流眼泪(produce tears)[I]:The dense smoke in the room made my eyes~. 屋内的浓烟熏得我眼睛直流泪。My eyes~ed when I cut the onions. 我切洋葱时眼睛流泪。His eyes were~ing because of that cold wind. 冷风吹得他双眼流泪。〖同〗tear;
 (5)流口水(make the mouth produce liquid)[I]:The delicious smell of the roast duck made their mouths~. 烤鸭的香味使他们直流口水。His mouth~ed at the thought of dinner. 一想到吃饭,他直流口水。〖同〗mouthwater;
 (6)(河流)流经而供水(flow through and provide water)[T+n, 通常 pass]:a country/the land~ed by numerous rivers 水源充足的国家/土地;The valley is~ed by the melting snow from the mountains. 山上溶化的雪水流经山谷。〖同〗pass,irrigate;
 water down (v adv) 1)冲淡,稀释(vt):The milk/wine/drink/tea was~ed down. 牛奶/酒/饮料/茶掺过水。~down the medicine 给药加水稀释; 2)减弱作用(vt): The criticisms/reporter's conclusions/comments/political statements/reports have been~ed down so as not to offend anybody. 这些批评意见/记者的结论/评论/政治宣言/报告已被修改得语气缓和,以免得罪人。
 →′watering n 灌(浇)水;′watering-can n 喷壶,洒水壶;′watering-place n 饮水处;水坑;
 【说明】water 在日常英语中没有 pl 形式。在正式场合下可用 pl 形式,但意为属于某一国家领土的海洋,如:Chinese waters(中国领海)。在比喻表达方面也可用 pl 的形式,如:in deep waters(陷入困境);in troubled waters(在混乱中)。





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