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单词 watch
watch1/wɒtʃ, AmE wɑ:tʃ, wɔ:tʃ/ n [-es/ ɪz/]; v [-es/ ɪz/]

n (1)(船上)值班(站岗)的时间 ((on a ship) time on duty)[C]:the middle~午夜值勤; take the~from two to six 值两点至6点的班; have the midnight~to 6 a.m./the ten-to-midnight~值午夜到早上6点/10点到午夜的班; be on the first/second/third~tonight 今晚值第一/第二/第三班; hand over one's~to sb 向某人交班;anchor~锚更;
 (2)巡逻队,守夜的人(group of people employed to patrol the streets)[Uthe~](fml):arouse/call out the~唤醒/召唤巡逻员;The~is late making his rounds. 巡逻员巡逻晚了。The night~comes on duty soon. 守夜人很快就上岗。
 (3)监视(看守)人(person or people employed to keep an eye on sb or sth)[Ua~]:The police put/set a~on the house. 警方派人监视那所房子。
 (4)夜里醒着的时间(time of being awake)[C,通常 pl](fml): in the long/silent~es of the night 漫长/寂静的不眠之夜;The mother maintained a~at her sick child's bedside. 母亲夜里一直守护在病儿的床前。
 keep (a close/good/strict/careful) watch on(密切)注视(监视):You must keep a good~on the enemy. 你必须密切监视敌人。Keep a close~on wild animals when you are camping in the open. 在外露营,千万要小心野兽。
 keep (a) watch over 照料(看):The nurse kept~over the patient all the night. 护士一整夜都在照料病人。The man was hired to keep~over the shop. 这个人被雇来照看商店。
 on/off watch 值班/不值班:The soldier was standing/staying on~. 战士正在站岗。She is off~today for it is Sunday. 她今天不上班,因为今天是星期天。
 (be) on (the) watch for 注意,提防: Be on the~for automobiles when you cross the street/for thieves in the crowd. 横穿马路要当心汽车/要提防人群中的扒手。
 →′watch-dog n 看门狗,监视人;′watchful adj 密切注意的,警惕的;′watchfully adv 密切注意地,警惕地;′watchfulness n 密切注意,警惕;′watchman n 警卫员,看守人;′watch-tower n 瞭望台;′watchword n 口令,格言;
 v(1)看,观察(看)(see or observe)[IT+nT+wh-inf passT+whC+n+-ingC+n+inf pass]:The students~ed as the teacher was conducting the experiment. 学生观看老师做试验。~the crew at work/sb out of sight 注视着正在干活的工作人员/某人走出了视线;~television/the news/a football match/the departure of the train 看电视/新闻/足球赛/火车离去;~how to do it 观察如何去做;~where to put the specimen 观察把标本放在何处;~what would happen 注意将要发生什么事情;W~what I do and copy it. 注意看我的动作,照我的样子去做。~the boat moving down the river/children crossing the road/the sun setting 看船顺流而下/儿童穿过马路/日落;~the sun rise/sb go with amazement 看日出/看着某人诧异地离去;~the computer carried out of the door 看着计算机被抱出门;〖同〗look,see,stare,gaze,observe;〖反〗overlook;
 (2)照料(看),留心,监视(take care of or protect sb or sth)[I+prep(over),T+n]:~over sb's clothes/sb's flocks/sb's children 照看某人的衣服/羊群/孩子;~over the safety of the workers 监管工人们的安全;The mother bird is~ing over the young. 雌鸟正在照看小鸟。The dog~es over his master's house. 这条狗给主人看家。God~es over us. 上帝保佑我们。~the baby/the kettle 照看婴儿/水壶;The guards are~ing the prisoners in case they escape. 哨兵正在监视着犯人,以防他们逃跑。They had him~ed by detectives. 他们让侦探监视他。〖同〗care,mind;〖反〗neglect;
 (3)盼望,期待(expect or wait for sth)[I+prep(for)]:~for an opportunity/a better change/the right moment/the further developments/an empty seat 期待着机会/好的转变/恰当的时机/进一步的发展/一个空座;~for newly produced products/the bus to come 盼望着新产品/汽车的到来; I am~ing for a chance to punish him in return. 我正盼望有机会惩罚他。〖同〗expect,wait;
 (4)当心,留意(pay attention to)[T+nT+wh](infml):~one's language/one's words/one's tongue 注意自己的言语; W~yourself! 当心你自己说的话!~one's manners/one's behaviour/one's money/one's diet/one's weight 注意自己的举止/行为/钱财/饮食/体重; W~him! He's dangerous. 当心他!这人危险。~the development of the situation/the market closely 密切注意形势的发展/行情; W~what you have said about him;he is very suspicious. 说到他时要小心,他这人非常多疑。W~how you use the knife. 使用刀子要当心。W~that he doesn't cheat you/you don't spill it. 当心别让他欺骗你/别洒了。〖同〗 guard,notice;〖反〗ignore,disregard;
 (5)不睡(be awake)[II+prep(at/by)](尤旧用法):~all night at the bedside of a patient 彻夜伺候在病人床边;There was always someone~ing by the sick woman's bed. 总有人守候在病妇的床边。~in the New Year 守岁;~with the sick 通宵看护病人;〖同〗awake,wake;〖反〗sleep;
 watch it 当心,留神(infml):W~it! The bottom stair is loose. 当心!楼梯最下面的一阶松动了。
 watch the clock 盯着钟表(盼着下班)(infml,derog): Chatting up the typists and~ing the clock are all he's good for. 他唯一能干的就是同打字员聊天和不停地看时间。
 watch the time 留意时间(以免晚了):W~the time and do it more quickly. 注意时间,快点干。
 watch the world go by 注视周围发生的事情: The old lady is going around the neighbourhood to~the world go by. 老妇人在街区四处走着,注视着周围发生的事情。
 watch for (v prep)当心(vt):W~for a fire! 小心火! The guard is~ing for shoplifting. 保安留心观注商店里是否有小偷行窃。
 watch out(v adv)戒备,提防(vi & vt):W~out! The roof is falling! 小心! 房顶掉下来了。W~out that you don't get cold. 当心别感冒。
 watch out for (v adv prep)注意;警惕(vt):The crowd were~ing out for the Queen to appear. 人群正注视着王后的出现。The clerks are always ready to~out for forged banknotes. 银行职员随时留意,谨防伪钞。
 →′watchable adj 值得看的,悦目的;′watcher n 看守(守夜)人;′watching n 观望;看守





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