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单词 pack
释义 pack2 /paek; paek/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14, 15A, B, 2A, C] ~ (up) (in/into), put (things) into a box, bundle, bag, etc; fill (a bag, box, etc) with things; get ready for a journey by doing this: 包扎; 捆扎; 包装(东西); 装(袋、盒等):整理行装: ~ clothes into a trunk; 把衣服装进衣箱内; ~ a trunk with clothes. 把衣服装进衣箱内。 Have you ~ed (up) your things? 你把行李收拾好了没有? You must begin ~ing at once. 你必须立刻动手整理行装。 These books ~ easily, It is easy to ~ them. 这些书很容易包装。 Her husband takes a ~ed lunch (eg sandwiches, etc ~ed into a box or other container) to work every day. 她的丈夫每天带装盒的午餐(如装在盒子或其他容器中的三明治等) 去工作。 ~ one's bags, (lit or fig) prepare to leave. (字面或喻)准备离开。 ~ it in, (sl) give up doing sth; end it. (俚) 放弃做某事; 结束某事。 ~ up, (colloq) put one's tools, etc away; stop working: (俗) 收拾工具; 停止工作; 收工: It's time to ~ up. 是收工的时候了。 One of the aircraft's engines ~ed up, (sl) failed. (俚) 飞机的一个引擎坏了。 2 [VP14, 3A] ~ into, crush or crowd together (into a place or period of time): 塞进; 挤进 (某一地方或某一段时间): ~ing people into an already overcrowded bus; 使人们挤进已经太拥挤的公共汽车; crowds ~ing into the cinemas on a wer day. 在雨天挤进电影院的大群人。 She managed to ~ a lot of sightseeing into the short time she had in London. 她在伦敦逗留的短短时间中,紧凑地安排了一连串的观光活动。 3 [VP6A, 15A] put soft material into or round (sth) to keep it safe, or to prevent loss or leakage: (用柔皎材料) 填银; 包垫 (以保护物品,或防止损失或破漏): glass ~ed in straw; 包扎于稻草中的玻璃器皿; ~ a leaking joint. 填塞漏教的接头。 4 ~ sb off; send sb ~ing, send him away quickly and unceremoniously (because he is troublesome, etc): 急忙而唐突地打发某人离去; 辞退某人: I wish you'd ~ yourself off, go away. 我真希望你快点离开这儿。 5 [VP6A] prepare and put (meat, fruit, etc) in tins for preservation. 把 (肉类、水果等) 装罐; 制成罐头。 → packS 6 [VP6A] choose (the members of a committee, etc) so that their decisions are likely to be in one's favour. 挑选 (委员会的委员等) 以使他们的决定对自己有利; 笼络; 纠集。 ~er n person or machine that ~s; (esp, usu pl) person who ~s meat, fruit, etc for market. 包装者; 包装机; (尤指,通常用复数) 罐头食品工人。




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