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单词 高谈阔论

高谈阔论长谈阔论gāo tán kuò lùn

an animated conversation (/discussion); chat at random about everything under the sun; harangue;high-flown (/high-sounding) talk; hold forth at great length; indulge in loud and empty talk; speak volubly (/bombastically/in a high-flown way); talk high-sounding phrases
❍ 原来是三个妖魔,席地而坐,上首的是一条黑汉,左首下是一个道人,右首下是一个白衣秀士,都在那里~。(《西游记》227) He saw three monsters sitting on the ground: a swarthy fellow in the middle,a Taoist to the left,and a white-robed scholar to the right. They were in the midst of an animated conversation.
❍ 说自己的~,蒙李白爱其粗野。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》169) Du Fu also relished the occasion when they could chat at random about everything under the sun. And he felt so pleased that Li Bai appreciated his candour and simplicity.
❍ 当然的,这一派也是主张理想教育,欢喜~的那些人物。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》110)Of course,these people are the same ones as advocate ideal systems of education and revel in high-flown theorizing.
❍ 梅佐贤在听这些大老板~,自己保持着沉默,一直没做声。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—264) Mei Zuoxian preserved a silence throughout these high-level discussions among the big bosses and did not say a word.
❍ ~能当饭吃吗? (杨沫《青春之歌》118) Can high-sounding talk fill our stomachs?/往常间只有宝玉长谈阔论,今日贾政在这里,便唯唯而已。(《红楼梦》323) Normally Baoyu liked to hold forth at great length but today,in his father’s presence,he simply answered briefly when spoken to.
❍ 可巧来了个史湘云,那史湘云极爱说话的,那里禁得香菱又请教他谈诗?越发高了兴,没昼没夜,~起来。(《红楼梦》608) For Xiangling,talkative Shixang Yun’s arrival was a stroke of luck,as the latter was only too glad to be consulted on poetry and would cheerfully hold forth on the subject at all hours of the day and night.
❍ 因为近来敌人已无心照管这远距市区的郊外,所以学生们得以毫无顾忌地~起来。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》503) They could talk as loudly as they liked here,as the enemy was too preoccupied to pay much attention to such distant suburbs.


indulge in loud and empty talk;talk volubly (or bombastically);harangue
对学生~haranguing the students

高谈阔论ɡāo tán kuò lùn

高:高雅、高深;阔:广阔。比喻空洞不切实际的议论;也比喻志趣高雅、范围广泛的谈论。talk volubly or bombastically, spin a long yarn, launch out on sth., engage in animated discussion





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