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单词 wash
wash/wɒʃ, AmE wɑ:ʃ/ v [-es/ ɪz/]; n

v (1)(清)洗(clean with liquid or a cleaning agent)[IT+nC+n+adj]:She~ed and went to bed. 她洗完澡去睡觉。You haven't~ed behind your ears.你还没有洗耳朵后面。~for a living 以洗衣为生;This soap~s thoroughly. 这块肥皂洗衣服很干净。You~(the dishes) and I'll dry. 你洗(碟子)我来擦干。These shirts haven't~ed very well/have to be~ed. 这些衬衣洗得不干净/需要洗。~clothes/dishes/one's hands/one's hair/oneself 洗衣服/碟子/手/头发/澡;~one's car/a dog 洗汽车/给狗洗澡;You'd better~that cut/the wound with some iodine. 你最好用碘酊清洗那刀口/伤口。The powder cannot~woollens. 这种洗衣粉不能洗毛衣。~one's face/one's hands/one's car clean 把自己的脸/手/汽车洗干净;〖同〗clean,bathe;
 (2)洗后不退色(不缩水)(can be cleaned without damage)[I]:This new fabric/sweater/garment doesn't~well.这种新织物/毛衣/外套不耐洗。Does this dress/suit/material~easily? 这种衣服/服装/衣料耐洗吗?
 (3)冲洗(刷),拍打(flow over or against or hit)[T+nI+prepI+adv]:The sea~ed the base of the cliffs. 海水拍打着悬崖的底部。The waves~ed the decks. 海浪冲溅到甲板上。The steps/castle walls are~ed by the waters of the river. 台阶/城墙被河水冲刷着。Tears~ed her cheeks. 她泪流满面。The gentle surf~ed over her ankles. 海浪轻轻地冲洗着她的双踝。The tides~over these rocks. 潮水冲刷着岩石。The waves~ed against my legs/the ship with gentle rhythm. 波浪拍打着我的双腿/有节奏地轻轻拍打着轮船。The rain~ed out the road. 雨水冲刷了马路。〖同〗wet,moisten,beat;
 (4)冲走(carry by the force of moving water)[T+n+prepT+n+adv pass]:~the salt out of the soil 冲走土壤里的盐分;A large piece of driftwood was~ed onto the beach. 一大块漂浮的木头被冲上海滩。Great quantities of soil were~ed down the hillside by the torrent rain. 大量的土壤被暴雨冲到山下。One of the sailors was~ed over the side of the ship/over board/out to sea. 一名水手从船的一侧被冲到水里/从船上被冲到水里/被冲到海里。The tide~ed in some broken spars. 潮水冲上来一些断裂的桅杆。The river rose and~ed out the dam. 河水上涨冲垮了堤坝。The road was~ed out. 路被冲垮了。The body/wrecked boat was~ed ashore. 尸体/失事船只的残骸被冲到了岸上。~out memories of the past/that odd idea (fig) 丧失过去的记忆/打消那个怪念头;〖同〗move,float,carry;
 (5)冲成(出)(make sth by water)[T+nT+n+adv (out)]:The sea has~ed a big hole in the bottom of the cliff here. 海水在悬崖的底部冲出了一个大洞。The stream had~ed (out) a channel in the sand. 小溪在沙地上冲出了一条沟。The waves have~ed a large hole in the rock. 海浪在岩石上冲刷出了一个大洞。
 (6)用水冲沙砾等以选出金子(pour water over in search of gold)[T+n]:We kept~ing the gravel for gold. 我们不停地冲洗沙砾淘金。
 (7)被接受,被相信(be able to be accepted or believed)[II+prep(with)](infml):His story/excuse just won't~(with me). 他的话/借口实在无法(让我)相信。This interesting theory/Your statement/That argument just won't~. 这一有趣的理论/你的陈述/那个论点无法让人接受。〖同〗accept,receive,believe;〖反〗refuse,reject,decline,disbelieve;
 wash one's dirty linen in public 家丑外扬: I felt the Smiths would have more pride than to~their dirty linen in public. 我当时以为史密斯一家很有自尊心,不至于把家丑外扬呢。
 wash one's hands of 洗手不干: I've~ed my hands of the whole affair/the whole sordid business. 我彻底洗手不干那种事了/肮脏的勾当了。
 wash away(v adv)冲走(vt):Heavy rains~ed the topsoil away. 大雨把表层土冲走了。The flood~ed the old bridge away. 洪水把古桥冲垮了。
 wash down (v adv) 1)冲洗(vt):The sailor was~ing down the decks with a hose. 水手正在用水龙头冲洗甲板。The driver is~ing down the car with water. 司机正在用水冲洗汽车。2)用……下(食物)(vt): I~the cake down with coffee. 我用咖啡送下点心。She~ed the pills down with water. 她用水送服药片。
 wash off (v adv)被冲洗掉(vi & vt):That dirt/mud on the car will~off easily. 这辆汽车上的污渍/泥很容易冲洗掉。I~ed off the blood on my face. 我洗掉脸上的血迹。
 wash out (v adv) 1)(清)洗掉(vt & vi): It is difficult to~out the ink stains. (The ink stains won't~out easily.) 这些墨迹不容易洗掉。2)洗净……的内部(vt):W~out the bottles, will you? 把空瓶子洗干净,好吗?3)使……告吹(vt): Bad weather has~ed out our hope of going for an outing. 坏天气使我们郊游的愿望落空了。That naughty student was~ed out after one semester. 那个调皮的学生一个学期后就被开除了。
 wash over (v prep) 1)无关紧要(vt)(infml):The car accident seems to have~ed over him. 车祸看上去对他无大碍。2)想到(vt):The thought~ed over me that I might never see them again. 我心想我可能再也见不到他们了。
 wash up (v adv) 1)饭后刷洗(BrE)(vi & vt):I often help my mother~up. 我经常帮妈妈洗餐具。I~up the dishes everyday. 我每天洗碗。2)洗脸洗手(AmE)(vi): I~ed up as best I could in the adjacent bathroom. 我在隔壁的浴室痛痛快快地洗漱。3)将……冲上岸(BrE)(vt): The sea~ed up the body of the drowned sailor. 大海把溺水水手的尸体冲上岸。
 →′washable adj 耐洗的;′washer n 洗衣机;垫圈;′washing n 洗,洗涤;′wash-basin,AmE ′wash-bowl n 洗脸池(盆);′wash-cloth n 浴巾;洗碗布;′washhouse n 洗衣房;′washed-out adj 洗后退色的;苍白的;疲惫的;′washing-up n 碗碟的刷洗;待刷洗的碗碟等;′wash-leather n 擦拭皮;′washroom n (AmE) 厕所;′wash-out n 彻底失败的人或事;′wash-stand n 盥洗台;′wash-tub n(尤指旧时洗衣用的)大木盆;
 n (1)洗(涤)(act of washing)[C,通常 sing]:have a~in the bathroom 在浴室里洗个澡; Give a car/the paintwork a good~. 把汽车/油漆工具好好冲洗一下。This bedspread needs a good~. 床罩该好好洗洗了。give one's face a cold~用冷水洗洗脸; The dye comes out with the first~. 这染料只洗一水就退色了。〖同〗washing,cleaning,bath,shower;
 (2)洗熨衣物(washing or laundering clothes)[Uthe~]:Mother does the~twice a week. 妈妈每星期洗两次衣物。〖同〗laundry,washing,cleaning;
 (3)洗衣房(laundry)[Cthe~]:Send these clothes to the~. 把这些衣服送到洗衣房去。The~has gone to the~. 要洗的衣物已送到洗衣房了。All my shirts are in/at the~. 我所有的衬衣都在洗衣房呢。a car~(fig) 洗车的地方;〖同〗laundry;
 (4)洗的衣物(amount of clothing washed)[C,通常 sing]:the average weekly~平均每周洗的衣物量;My wife does a huge/large~every week. 我太太每周要洗很多衣服。She got up to take in the~. 她起身去收洗的衣服。〖同〗laundry,clothes;
 (5)(波浪)拍击(声)(flow or sound or action of a mass of water)[Ua~]:the~of the waves against the rocks/the side of the boat/the river bank 波浪拍打岩石/船舷/河堤的声音; the~of a passing boat 过路船的尾流; The rowing boat was tossing about in the~made by the ship. 划艇在轮船引起的波浪中颠簸。〖同〗beating,striking;
 (6)(水彩的)薄涂层(thin layer of water-colour painted on a surface)[C]:The background of the picture was a pale blue~. 图画的底色为淡蓝色。On his dark skin there was a~of pallid green. 在他黝黑的皮肤上涂了一层浅绿色。
 (7)泔水(worthless or waste liquid)[U]:Take this~of yours back at once,waiter! 服务生!立刻把你们这猪食端回去。The kitchen~is given to the pigs. 厨房的泔水用来喂猪。
 (8)(含有化学物质的)液体 (liquid of chemical property)[C]:a mouth~爽口液; a hair~洗发剂; apply~to a skinned knee 给擦破了的膝部涂上消毒液;
 →′washboard n 搓板;′wash-day n 洗衣日;′wash-drawing n 淡彩画;
 come out in the wash 1)最终圆满解决,真相大白(infml):Don't worry;it'll come out in the~! 别着急,这件事会真相大白的! These problems will come out in the~. 这些问题会有结果的。2)洗掉(infml): The colour of the dress came out in the~. 这套衣服洗褪色了。
 in the wash 正在洗中:Your blue shirt/garment has shrunk in the~. 你的蓝衬衣/外套洗缩水了。





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