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单词 高枕而卧

高枕而卧gāo zhěn ér wò

go to sleep without fear; lie easy on one’s pillow; live in peace/……而那老和尚却道无妨,给他一个小盒子,说只要放在枕边,便可~。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾·从百草园到三味书屋》42) …but the old monk told him not to worry and gave him a little box,assuring him that if he put this by his pillow he could go to sleep without fear.
❍ 吕后乃使建成侯吕泽刼留侯,曰:“君常为上谋臣,今上欲易太子,君安得~乎?”(《史记·留侯世家》2045) Accordingly Empress Lu sent Lu Ze,marquis of Jiancheng,to enlist Zhang Liang’s help saying,“You have always advised the emperor. Now that he wants to disinherit the crown prince,how can you lie easy on your pillow?”/亏得王著他们干了这件好事,以后我可以~了。(田汉《关汉卿》84) Now that Wang Zhu and Monk Gao have done such a good deed,I can live in peace.

高枕而卧gao zhen er wo

lay one’s head on one’s pillow and sleep without any worries—relax one’s vigilance





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