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单词 高枕无忧

高枕无忧gāo zhěn wú yōu

lay aside all anxiety and rest content; put one’s worries to rest; retire(/rest) without worries; shake up the pillow and have a good sleep; sit back and relax; sleep in peace without any anxiety; sleep on a high pillow and be free from care
❍ 你们以为八大王和罗妆才是真降么? 你们敢说从此对他们可以~么?(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—239)Do you think they have genuinely surrendered to you?That they will give you no more cause for worry?/便回书与鲁肃,教: “~”。若但有北兵侵犯,皇叔自有退兵之策。(《三国演义》494) So he wrote a reply telling Lu Su he could lay aside all anxiety and rest content,for should the northern army approach,they would be forced backward at once.
❍ 先锋道: “大王放心稳便,高枕勿忧。……” (《西游记》277) “Don’t be anxious,Great King,” said the Vanguard,“and put your worries to rest,…”/我等皆~矣! (《三国演义》908)We can now sleep in comfort.
❍ 卓大喜曰: “吾有奉先,~矣!”(《三国演义》42)“With your aid I can sleep secure,”said Dong Zhuo.
❍ 现在,有这样一些人,好像得了天下,就~,可以横行霸道了。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—325) Now there are people who seem to think that,as state power has been won,they can sleep soundly without any worry and play the tyrant at will.

高枕无忧gao zhen wu you

shake up the pillow and have a good sleep


lay one’s head on the pillow and drop off to sleep; sleep soundly without any worry;sit back and relax; rest (or sit)on one’s laurels

高枕无忧ɡāo zhěn wú yōu

垫高枕头,无忧无虑地睡觉。比喻无忧无虑,无所顾忌。shake up the pillow and have a good sleep, sit back and relax, rest easy and assured, sleep soundly without any worries





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:47:34