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单词 高不可攀

高不可攀gāo bù kě pān

beyond one’s reach;inaccessibly high; something too difficult to attain;too high to reach;unattainable
❍ 在他心目中,士杰是~的富人,梁生宝是他眼前长大的讨饭娃子,出身贫贱。(柳青《创业史》311) To him Yao was still a wealthy man of a stature he could never attain; Liang Shengbao was a mere beggar boy he had seen grow up,a person of low origin.
❍ 不应该望到马克思列宁主义创始人那样伟大的革命家的思想和品质,认为~,就自暴自弃,畏葸不前。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》10) He should not regard the thinking and qualities of such great revolutionaries as the founders of Marxism-Leninism as beyond his reach,give up and be afraid to advance.
❍ 在她心眼里,这个有着四十多亩稻地和旱地、一座四合院、骡子和马的堂兄弟,是~的人物。(柳青《创业史》367) He owned over forty mu of paddy land and fields,a fine compound,a mule and a horse.This,in Sufang’s mind,placed him inaccessibly high.


too high to reach;far beyond one’s reach;unattainable

高不可攀ɡāo bù kě pān

高得无法攀登。比喻难以到达。也比喻学问高深,难以研究。too high to reach, high up and beyond grasp, high and mighty, beyond reach





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