释义 |
高ɡāoⅠ ❶ (从下向上距离大;离地面远) tall;high: ~ 山 high mountains;~ ~ 的烟囱 a tall chimney; 她和她母亲一样 ~。 She is as tall as her mother. 太阳已经很 ~了。 The sun is already high. ❷ (在一般标准或平均程度之上;等级在上的) above the average;of a high level or degree:体温 ~ run a temperature; 技 ~ 一筹 more skillful than others;~ 标准 higher standard;~ 风格 fine style;~ 难度动作 exceedingly difficult movements;operations of extraordinary difficulty;~ 年级 higher [senior] grade; 这主意真 ~! What a brilliant idea! ❸ (声音大的) loud:嗓门儿 ~ have a loud voice;high-pitched;~ 喊 shout loudly;raise a cry ❹ (超过实际价值或市场价格的) high-priced;dear;expensive;fancy:要价太 ~ ask too high a price; 本周肉类售价很 ~。 Meat is bringing a high price this week. 那儿的物价 ~ 得令人难以置信。 Prices there are incredibly high. ❺ [敬] (称别人的事物) your: ~ 见 your opinion Ⅱ ❶ (高度) height;altitude:坝 ~ 50米。 The dam is 50 metres in height. 山 ~ 1500米。 The mountain has an altitude of 1500 metres. ❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 则诚 Gao Zecheng ◆高保真 high fidelity; 高保真立体声 Hi-Fi stereo; 高矮 height; 高岸为谷,深谷为陵 High banks make valleys and deep valleys make hills.;The world is changing all the time.;Under certain conditions,all things will develop in the opposite direction.; 高昂 hold high (one's head,etc.);high;elated;exalted; 高傲 arrogant;stiff-backed;supercilious;haughty; 高傲自大 supercilious and self-conceited [arrogant];高巴克舞 gopak; 高八度 ottava alta; 高坝 high dam; 高白坚木 paddlewood; 高白鲑 pelyad; 高保真度 high fidelity;hi-fi; 高保真录音机 Hi-Fi recorder; 高爆塑性装药弹 {军} high-explosive plastic projectile; 高爆炸弹 high-explosive bomb; 高爆炸性火箭弹 high explosive rocket; 高背长靠椅 table settle; 高背长椅 settle; 高背扶手靠椅 [英] saddlecheck chair; 高倍 high power; 高鼻羚羊 saiga tatarica; 高鼻深目 have a high nose and sunken eyes;with a prominent nose and deep-set eyes; 高比重合金 high-density alloy; 高边车 high-sided wagon; 高边疆 high frontier;hifron; 高边墙地下建筑物 high retaining wall underground structures; 高边墙隧道 high retaining wall tunnels; 高边墙稳定性 high side wall stability; 高标号 high-grade; 高标见嫉 be attacked by those jealous on one's noble character;Detraction pursues the great.; 高标准 high standard;stringent specification; 高冰草 Agropyron elongatum;tall wheatgrass; 高不成,低不就 be unfit for a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one;can't have one's heart's desire but won't stoop to less;too choosy to succeed; 高不可攀 too high to be reached;beyond one's reach;difficult to reach;high up and beyond grasp;lofty and out of reach;so tall that it is out of reach;unattainable; 高步云衢 attain scholarly eminence;be very rich and honorabble; 高材捷[疾]足 remarkable in talent and quick in movement;Skilled talent works swiftly.; 高才生 a brilliant student;an outstanding student;whiz kid; 高残留农药 persistent pesticide; 高草 top grass; 高草原 prairie; 高层 high-rise; 高层大气 upper atmosphere; 高层建筑 tower;high-rise buildings; 高产 high yield;high production; 高产稳产 high and stable yield;stable high yield; 高长头型 hypsidolich ocephalism; 高场畴 {半} high-field domain; 高场磁体 high field magnet; 高唱赞歌 sing the praises (of ...); 高超 excellent;exquisite;superb; 高超声速 hypersonic; 高超音速 {物} hypersonic speed; 高潮 high tide;high water;spring tide;flood;upsurge;climax;high tide; culmination;upsurge;culmen;top;summit; 高车驷马 a high carriage and a team of four horses — symbol of wealth and nobility; 高城深池 high walls and deep moat — a defended city; 高程 altitude;elevation; 高矗云霄 rise into the clouds; 高处 elevation;up; 高纯(度) high-purity; 高次方程 equation of higher degree; 高达 up to; 高达云霄 touch the clouds; 高大 tall and big;tall;lofty;high and noble; 高、大、全 tall,big,perfect;lofty,noble,perfect; 高单杠 high bar; 高蛋白 high protein; 高蛋白质牛奶 protein milk; 高当量武器 {军} high yield weapon; 高档 top grade;superior quality; 高等 higher;advanced;high;of a higher level; 高等级公路 high-class highway; 高等教育管理 higher education management; 高低 height;relative superiority or inferiority;difference in degree;sense of propriety;appropriateness;discretion;[方] on any account;just;simply;[方] at (long) last; 高低不平 uneven; 高低杠 {体} uneven bars; 高低贵贱 lowliness and nobleness; 高低机 {军} elevating mechanism; 高低角 {军} angle of site; 高低压泵 high-low pump; 高低压警报电压表 high-low voltmeter; 高低音喇叭 compound horn; 高底女鞋 chopine; 高地 upland;elevation;ben;rise;hill;highland;coteau;{地理} plateau;{军} height; 高地下水位 phreatic high; 高点 high spot; 高电平 high level;up level; 高电位 high potential (HPOT); 高电压 high voltage (HV);high tension; 高电阻 high resistance;high resistor 高殿 high palace; 高调 lofty tone;high pitch tone;high-sounding words;bombastic words;{摄} high key; 高顶皮军帽 busby; 高顶毡帽 calpac; 高定价价格体系 {经} bulk-line system; 高度 altitude;height;elevation;high;high degree;highly; 高度表 altimeter;altitude meter;altitude gauge;altitude indicator;height measurer;range-height display; 高度计 {工} altimeter;height gauge;height-finding instrument;altitude gauge;altitude meter; 高度评价 speak highly of sb.;set a high value on;give a high appraisal to;value oneself on [upon];pay high tribute to;deserve of high praise;win high praise;sing sb.'s praises;praise;praise sb. up to the skies;be loud in praise of; 高度与跨度之比 depth-span ratio; 高度与宽度之比 depth-width ratio; 高额 great number [amount];高尔夫球 golf;golf ball; 高尔夫中统袜 golf stocking; 高反差 high-contrast; 高分辨 high-resolution; 高分辨力 high resolution (HR); 高分辨率 high resolution (HR); 高分辨能力 high resolution; 高分低能 high scores and low abilities; 高分子 {化} high polymer;macromolecule; 高峰 peak;summit;climax;height;tor; 高峰车 (the) relief bus; 高峰值电流 high peak current; 高风格 lofty style;high-mindedness; 高风亮[峻]节 exemplary conduct and nobility of character;have a sharp [strong] sense of integrity; 高风雀目内障 {医} pigmentary degeneration of the retina with the pupil golden in colour; 高夫败血症 gaffkemia; 高浮雕 {图} high relief; 高附加值产品 high value-added products; 高干 [简] (高级干部) senior cadre; 高高潮 {海} higher high water; 高高兴兴 with heartfelt delight;in a gleeful mood;cheerful; 高高在上 superior;sit up high in a leading position;be far removed from the masses and reality;be very lofty;consider oneself superior;high up in the air;hold oneself aloft;in a prominent position;keep aloof from the masses;ride the high horse;sit up on high;stand high above the masses;stand upon one's pantofles; 高歌 sing loudly;sing with a resounding voice; 高歌猛进 stride forward singing militant songs;advance boldly with songs on one's lips;advance triumphantly; 高歌抒怀 express one's heart's feelings by a song; 高歌一曲 sing a song loudly;raise one's voice to sing a song;chant a melody; 高阁 large and tall pavilion,building,etc.;rack;shelf; 高个儿 a tall person; 高跟鞋 high-heeled shoes; 高工资 higher income; 高功率 high power; 高估 upvaluation;over-valuation; 高官 high official; 高官厚禄 high position and handsome salary [good pay];(become) a high official with a high salary;be entrenched in a high position and receive privileged treatment;be given a high position and a large income;be highly placed with fat emoluments;enjoy high emoluments and a high position;high posts with salaries to match;high office and peerage; 高官显爵 be honored with high official titles;dignity; 高光 {摄} highlight; 高光度恒星 super-luminous star; 高光效育种 breeding of high photosynthetic efficiency; 高轨道 high orbit; 高柜式钟 tall case clock; 高贵 noble;honourable;high;valuable;rare;highly privileged;elitist; 高过 outdo;surmount;top; 高含硫羊毛 sulphur-enriched wool; 高寒带 paramos; 高寒植物 {生态} psychrophyte; 高焓风洞 high enthalpy wind tunnel; 高喊 shout loudly; 高航式蛙泳 {体} “high sail” breast-stroke; 高合金 high alloy;high content alloy; 高呼 shout loudly; 高胡 {音} gaohu,a kind of erhu,a two-stringed instrument; 高花纹 cleat; 高积累、低消费 excessive rate of accumulation and a low rate of consumption;Rate of accumulation was set high and that of consumption kept low.; 高积云 altocumulus (Ac);{气} altocumulus cloud; 高级 senior;high-ranking;high-level; high;superb;higher;high stage;high- grade;top grade;high-quality;advanced; 高级程序员 high-level programmer; 高级汇编程序 high-level assembler; 高级可视图文业务 high videotex services; 高级人民法院 higher people's court; 高级微处理器程序设计语言 advanced microprocessor programming language; 高级研讨会 high level seminar; 高级移动电话 advanced mobile phone; 高级职称 title of a senior professional post; 高技术 high technology (high-tec); 高技术产业 high-tech industry; 高技术风险投资 risk investment of high-tech; 高技术园区 high-tech park; 高系带靴子 highlow; 高加速导弹 high-acceleration missile; 高加索白蛉 phlebotomus caucasicus; 高加索冷杉 abies nordmanniana; 高加索山脉 Caucasus Mountains; 高价 high price; 高架(的) elevated;overhead; 高架式迷宫 elevated maze; 高架式装车 overhead loading system; 高碱湖 natron lake;sode lake; 高鉴别力 fine resolution; 高见 wise idea;[敬] your brilliant idea;your opinion; 高脚杯 goblet;tallboy;pokal;standing cup; 高脚柜 tallboy;highboy; 高角 angle of elevation; high angle;{军} superelevation; 高教 [简] (高等教育) higher education; 高教会派 high church; 高教会信徒 Anglo-catholic; 高阶 high [higher] order; 高洁 noble and unsullied; 高精度 high-accuracy;high-precision; 高精尖 high-grade,precision and advanced (industrial products); 高精密度 high precision; 高精确度 pinpoint accuracy;high precision; 高就 be promoted to a higher post; 高居静坐 sit upon a high seat and meditate; 高举 hold high;hold aloft; 高举远引 seclude oneself and avoid all worldly cares; 高聚物 {有化} high polymer;eupolymer;superpolymer;macromol(cule); 高距 rise; 高踞 stand above;set oneself above;lord it over; 高爵丰禄 in a prominent position and with a high salary;be entrenched in a high position and receive a privileged treatment; 高爵显位 high nobles in conspicuous positions; 高峻 high and steep; 高卡值 high(er) caloric value; 高亢 loud and sonorous;resounding; 高考 college entrance examination; 高靠背 high back; 高科技 high technology; 高空 high altitude;upper air;welkin; 高空风 upper-level winds;upper winds;winds aloft; 高栏(赛跑) high hurdles; 高蓝莴苣 tall blue lettuce; 高缆索 highline; 高丽时期 Korai period; 高丽纸 a kind of white tissue paper; 高礼帽 tile hat; 高利 high interest; 高利贷 usury;usurious loan; 高利率 dear [tight] money; 高梁 a surname; 高良姜 Alpinia officinarum;galangale; galangal rhizoma;lesser galangal; 高亮度 hi-lite;high light; 高粱 {农} kaoliang;gaoliang;sorghum;broomcorn;grain sorghum;Chinese sorghum; 高龄 advanced age;advanced in years;venerable age; 高灵敏度 high sensitivity; 高陵 a surname; 高岭粘土 kaolinton; 高岭石 kaopaque;kaolinite;clayite;ancudite;smalite; 高岭土 kaolin;kaoline;tervalba;hydrite;Barden;carclazyte;kleit;{矿} bolus alba;China-clay; 高领 choker;(膨体)高领衫 bulky turtleneck; 高硫煤 sulphur coal; 高硫油 high-sulfur oils; 高硫原油 sour crude; 高楼大厦 many-storied buildings;tall buildings;high buildings and large mansions; 高颅型 {人} hypsicranial; 高炉 {冶} blast furnace;shaft furnace; 高铝瓷器 alumina procelain; 高铝耐火材料 aluminous refractory;high-alumina refractory; 高铝泡沫砖 alumina bubble brick; 高铝水泥 bauxite cement;high-alumina cement; 高铝质耐火材料 high alumina refractories; 高铝铸铁 aluminium cast iron; 高铝砖 {材} high-alumina brick; 高轮车 high wheeled car; 高轮拖木车 carry-log; 高轮运材车 logging wheels; 高轮运材挂车 {林} logging wheels;katydid; 高论 [敬] enlightening remarks;brilliant views; 高罗汉松 she-pine;brown pine; 高迈 [书] advanced in years; 高慢 arrogant;haughty;overbearing; 高帽子 ;tall paper hat (worn as a sign of humiliation);flattery;an empty title or honour; 高锰钢 high manganese steel; 高锰酸 permanganic acid; 高锰碳钢 high manganese carbon steel; 高密度 high density; 高密高强石墨 high-density and high-strength graphite; 高密盘 high density disk; 高棉族 Khmer;Kmer; 高苗地 tall crop area; 高妙 ingenious;masterly; 高明 brilliant;bright;wise;better qualified; 高鸣 shriek; 高能 high energy; 高能电子 high energy electron;hard electron; 高能粒子 energetic particle;high-energy particle; 高能量 high energy; 高年级生 upperclassman; 高年级研读班 preceptorial; 高粘度 high viscosity; 高攀 make friends or claim ties of kinship with someone of a higher social position; 高攀不上 be unworthy to seek connections with ...;cannot be friends [marry sb.] of a richer [more influential] family; 高攀婚姻 outmarry; 高抛发球 high toss service; 高炮 antiaircraft gun; 高硼钢 high boron steel; 高朋满座 Many guests of exalted rank were present.;All seats are occupied by eminent guests — numerous friends.;a party of many distinguished friends;Guests and friends filled up the room.; 高频 high frequency; 高频带 high frequency band;high band; 高频电流 high frequency current; 高频电压 high frequency voltage; 高频段 high band;high-frequency section; 高品位产量 high-grade product; 高品质(因素) high-quality (HQ); 高平原 {地理}upland plain;high plain;planalto; 高气压 high atmospheric pressure;(barometric) high;{气} high; 高腔 a kind of rhyme scheme of Chinese opera; 高强 excel in;be master of; 高强玻璃 high-strength glass; 高强度 high strength; 高强钢 high-strength steel; 高强合金 high-strength alloy;high-tensile alloy; 高强水泥 high-strength cement; 高跷 stilts; 高跷根 {植} stilt root; 高清晰度 fine definition;{讯} high definition; 高情厚谊 your highly esteemed kindness and invaluable friendship; 高情远致[意] high-minded,lofty spirit and pure action; 高丘陵 crick; 高邱 a surname; 高球 {体} high ball;lob; 高圈领 turtleneck; 高热 {医} hyperpyrexia;high fever; 高热量 high heat; 高热值 high heating value;high heating power;gross calorific value; 高人一等 regard oneself head and shoulders above others;be a cut above others [most people];be a head taller than ...;be a notch above [higher than] others;be superior to ordinary people;tower above the rest; 高人逸士 one who lives secluded and does not admire wealth and high emolument;holy hermits;hermits and recluses;a man of superior attainments and a cultivated person living in retirement; 高熔点 high-melting- point;high-melting; 高入云霄 tower high above the level of the clouds;stand out against the sky;rise up in the clouds;reach towards the sky;(The building) is so high that (it) rubs against the sky.; 高嗓门 outyell; 高僧 eminent monk; 高山 alp;high mountain; 高山大野 high mountains and vast open country; 高山低头,河水让路 Mountains bow their heads and rivers make way.;Let [Make] the mountains bow and the rivers give way!;高山急流 lofty mountains and turbulent rivers;high mountains and swift currents; 高山劲松 the lofty mountains and towering pines; 高山景行 look up to a worthy man;as one looks up to a mountain — admire the behavior of a worthy man;showing great admiration [respect] for somebody; 高山峻岭 lofty mountains and steep hills; 高山流水 lofty mountains and flowing water;(a classical allusion from the story of Bo Ya 伯牙 an adept in playing the guqin. When Zhong Ziqi 鍾子期 heard him play,he could tell where the latter's ambition lay:his lofty aims,his aspirations,etc. But how rarely one could meet people like Zhong Ziqi!) — referring to the harsh reality that talent and ability can rarely meet [find] people who can really appreciate them; 高山密林 the high mountains and dense forests;(in the dense forests of the high mountains); 高山屏障 natural barriers like hills; 高山峭壁 high mountains and steep cliffs; 高山深谷 high mountains and deep gullies [valleys;ravines];高山型冻土 alpine frozen ground; 高山仰止 admire ... greatly (as one stops looking up at a peak);behold a high mountain [a great man] with awe [admiration];高山族 the Gaoshan nationality (living in Taiwan Province); 高闪点油 high-flash oil;hiflash; 高尚 noble;lofty;respectable;nobility;nobleness;elevation;gentility;sublimate; 高尚娴雅 grace;noble and refined; 高烧 high fever; 高射兵器 antiaircraft; 高射机关炮 antiaircraft automatic cannon; 高射机关枪 antiaircraft machine gun; 高射机枪 antiaircraft machine gun; 高射角射击 high-angle fire; 高射炮 antiaircraft gun;antiaircraft artillery;aerogun;flak;flack;anti-airplane gun;ack-ack;archie;archibald; 高射炮火 {军} flak; 高射炮火力 antiaircraft gun fire; 高射平射两炮 antiaircraft dual-purpose gun; 高射装甲列车 antiaircraft armored train; 高射自行火炮 antiaircraft car; 高深 advanced;profound;recondite; 高深莫测 too profound to be understood;too high and deep to be measured;unfathomable;shut-in; 高声 aloud;bark;in a loud voice; 高声叫卖 bark; 高声恐怖症 phonophobia; 高声疗法 anaphonesis; 高生产率 high production rate; 高生产能力 high productive capacity; 高升 be promoted to a higher position or rank; 高视阔步 carry oneself proudly;prance;strut; strut like a peacock;swagger;walk in a haughty manner;walk with affected superiority; 高手 past master;master-hand;ace; 高寿 longevity;long life;[敬] your venerable age; 高爽 (指天气) invigorating; 高水头 high water head; 高水平 high tone; 高水位 high water level; 高斯 Gauss;gauss (CGS); 高耸 ascend;mount;steeple;stand tall and erect;tower;cloud-capped;lofty;high;towering; 高耸蜃景 {气} towering; 高速 high speed;high velocity (HV);high rate;swift;fast;express;high-speed; 高速电子 high-velocity electrons; 高速度 high-speed; 高速复制 high speed duplication; 高速复制机 high-speed reproducer; 高速钢 quick-cutting steel;quick-speed steel;rapid steel;high-speed steel; 高速公路 express high way; 高速摄影机 high speed camera; 高塑性钢 high-ductility steel; 高穗风铃草 tall bellflower; 高抬贵手 Sir,lift your hand high that I may pass under it as under your mercy!;Please do not be too hard on me this time!;Raise your hand high in mercy!;高抬身价 put a high price on oneself; 高台 dais; 高台定车 {杂技} a bicycle balancing act on an elevate stand; 高坛 chancel; 高谈阔论 talk with eloquence;talk incessantly [volubly];talk in a high-sounding phrases [way];talk in a lofty strain;indulge in high-sounding tirades;indulge in loud and empty talk; 高谈阔论者 phrasemaker; 高谈雄辩 be an eloquent speaker;be loud and violent in argument; 高谈虚论 talk high-sounding phrases; 高弹性 high elasticity; 高碳 high-carbon; 高汤 soup-stock;thin soup; 高堂 a hall with high ceiling;[书] one's parents;a surname; 高膛压底火 high barrel pressure primer; 高通道 high channel; 高统 high (boots); 高维 higher-dimension; 高纬度 circumpolar latitude; 高位 high-order;high-order position;altitude; 高位数 seniority (number) top digit;high-order digit; 高位置 height; 高温 high temperature;elevated temperature;hyperther ̄ mia;megatemperature;inferno; 高温计 pyrometer; 高温水 high temperature water; 高文典册 great literature and classical works used in praise of sb.'s writing;order by imperial decree;major administrative documents of the imperial court; 高稳电路 stabilidyne; 高卧东山 retire with ease and decline to accept a government post; 高屋建瓴 pour water off a steep roof — sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height;operate from a strategically advantageous position;be strategically situated; 高屋建瓴,势如破竹 press on irresistibly from a commanding height; 高雾 high fog; 高物恐怖 batophobia; 高息借款 dear money;tight money; 高下 relative superiority or inferiority; 高下难分 very hard to tell which is better; 高下在心 do as one pleases;do whatever one wants;go [get] one's own way;follow one's bent;follow one's own inclinations;at one's (own) sweet will; 高消费 high consumption;high level of consumption;high-value consumption; 高小 [简] (高级小学) higher primary school; 高校 [简] (高等学校) colleges and universities; 高效肥料 concentrated fertilizer; 高效过滤器 high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter; 高效空气滤净器 super-air-filter; 高效率 high efficiency; 高效能 high-effect; 高谐音 upper harmonic; 高薪阶层 high-salaried stratum; 高薪聘用 offer high payments to hire; 高辛 a surname; 高新技术产业化 (the) use of new and high technologies in all types of industrial production; 高新技术产业开发区 high and new tech development zone; 高新技术企业 high and new tech enterprises; 高新技术园区 high and new tech area; 高性能 high-performance; 高兴 glad;happy;pleased;elated;joyful;chcerful; be willing to;be in high [fine;full;good] feather;be in high spirits;tread [walk] on air;be transported with joy;be in great form;rejoice at [over] sth.;be of good cheer;be pleased;be glad;jolly along;be happy;enjoy the happiness of sth.;fill with delight;with all the pleasure in life;have the time of one's life;brim over with high spirits;be mad with joy; 高雄 Gaoxiong (a city in Taiwan Province); 高悬 uphang; 高血糖 {医} hyperglycaemia;hyperglycemia; 高血压 {医} hypertension;high blood pressure;feritin; 高血脂病 hyperlipemia; 高压 high-handed;{气} high pressure;high tension;high voltage;{医} maximum pressure; 高压放电 electrion;effluve; 高压力 heavy pressure; 高压氧 hyperbaric oxygen; 高雅 elegant and in good taste;noble and graceful; 高盐度 high salinity; 高盐湖 salina; 高阳 a surname; 高阳酒徒 heavy drinker with an unconstrained character; 高氧 hyperoxia; 高氧血 pleonectic blood; 高仰角射击 high-angle fire; 高野燕麦 tall oat grass;tall meadow oat; 高义薄云 one's high morality reaching up to the clouds;righteousness soaring high up to the sky; 高翼 shoulder wing; 高音 {音} high pitch;high-pitched voice; 高音调蜂鸣器 high-note buzzer; 高于 overtop; exceed; super-; supra-;高元音 {语} high vowel; 高原 {地理} continental plateau;plateau;highland;tableland; 高越橘 {植} highbush blueberry; 高云 high cloud;high-level cloud; 高孕酮血 hypolutemia; 高燥 (of terrain) high and dry; 高增益 high-gain; 高瞻远瞩 look far ahead from a high plane;look far ahead and aim high;take a broad and long [long-term] view;stand high and gaze [see] far;stand on a high vantage point and have a farsighted view;stand on a higher plane and be more farsighted;stand on an eminence and become farsighted;see things from a higher plane;see far and wide;show great foresight;have a wide vision of ...;from the most commanding height and with the greastest vision;standing at a higher plane to see things farther;having great foresight [a plan for the future];高站 high station; 高张性 hypertonicity; 高掌远蹠[跖] extend everywhere;be far-sighted;great ambition and aspiration;have great ambitions; 高涨 upsurge;surge ahead [forward];rise high;run high;boom; 高障碍 high obstacle; 高招[着] clever move;brilliant idea; 高真空 high vacuum;fine vacuum; 高枕 shake up the pillow; 高枕安卧 lay one's head on one's pillow and just drop off to sleep;sleep peacefully; 高枕无忧 sleep without any anxiety;can sleep in comfort [peace];can sleep secure;lay aside all anxiety and rest content;rest easy;retire [rest] without worries;shake up the pillow and have a good sleep;sleep peacefully without anxiety;sleep quietly without cares;sleep soundly without any worry;sleep with a calm conscience;sleep with an easy mind;(go to) sleep with ease of mind; 高征购、低价格 large quotas for state requisition purchases at low prices; 高征购农产品 excessive state purchase of farm produce; 高枝剪 averruncator;tree pruner; 高脂蛋白血(症) teinemia;hyperlipoproteinemia; 高脂肪 high fat; 高脂血 {医} hyperlipemia;hyper lipoidemia; 高指标 setting unrealistic production targets;high target in production;overambitious targets; 高指数 high index; 高质甘蔗 noble cane; 高质钢 high-quality steel; 高质合金钢 high alloy steel; 高质量钢 high-quality steel; 高质量含酒精饮料 supernaculum; 高质量金属 high-test metal; 高质量同位素 high-mass isotope; 高质量因数 high-quality (H.Q.); 高质量铸铁 high-duty iron; 高质扫描 fine scanning; 高中 [简] (高级中学) senior middle school;senior school;high school; 高中层 upper mesosphere; 高中档产品 medium and high-grade products [goods];高桩码头 long piled wharf; 高桩台码头 high-level platform wharf; 高姿态 lofty stance;magnanimous attitude; 高足 [敬] your brilliant disciple;your pupil; 高祖 (paternal) great- great-grandfather; 高阻抗 high impedance |