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单词 骨瘦如柴

骨瘦如柴gǔ shòu rú chái

a bag of bones; a mere(/walking) skeleton; angular; as lean as a lath(/rake/whipping post); as thin as paper (/a lath/a stick/a thread/a rail); barebone; be reduced to skin and bones; be the shadow of one’s former self; be worn to a shadow; emaciated; thin and bony
❍ 和二哥一道进来的,还有~的主任法官朱介。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》346) With his brother was Chief Interrogator Zhu Jie,who looked as dry as a stick.
❍ 后来就渐渐饮食不进,~,……(《儒林外史》73)…but gradually he lost his appetite and wasted away till he was nothing but skin and bones.
❍ 又隔了一阵,才看见,几个~的人,赤着脚,慢吞吞地也到院子里来了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》375) A little later,several barefooted and emaciated men ambled into the courtyard.
❍ 到入棺,是连殳很不妥帖地躺着,……~的灰黑的脸旁,是一顶金边的军帽。(鲁迅《徬徨·孤独者》113) The body was placed in the coffin. Wei lay there awkwardly,…and beside his lean and ashen face a military cap with a gilt band.
❍ 他衣衫褴褛,~,但心性还硬,七十八岁的人,还不要拴拴在家里掌权。(柳青《创业史》304) His clothes were ragged,he was thin and bony,but the old man was still tough. Though seventy-eight,he wouldn’t let his son Shuan-shuan run the family affairs.
❍ 刘老老看着凤姐~,神情恍惚,心里也就悲惨起来,…… (《红楼梦》1449) Granny Liu was grieved to see how wasted Xifeng had become,and how unclear in her mind,…/从低矮阴暗的石头房子里,走出来一群~的藏族同胞。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》114) From a dark,squat stone building,ordinary Tibetan people,thin as sticks,emerged.

骨瘦如柴柴(豺)ɡǔ shòu rú chái

瘦得如同干柴一般。比喻非常消瘦。thin as a lath, skin and bones, as lean as a lath, reduced to a skeleton





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