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单词 overlook
释义 overlook /.sovs'lvlc; yov'luk/ vt [VP6A] 1 have a view of from above: 俯视; 浦瞰: From my study window I ~ the bay and the headlands. 于我书虏的窗口,我可以俯瞰海湾和海岬。 Our garden is ~ed from the neighbours' windows, They can look down on to our garden from their windows. 从邻居的窗口可以看到我们的花园。 2 fail to see or notice; pay no attention to: 忽视; 忽略; 没注意到: ~ a printer's error. 看漏了一个印如错误。 His services have been ~ed by his employers, They have not properly rewarded him. 他的服务一直条得到他雇主的重视(即未获得适当的报酬)。 3 pass over without punishing: 宜恕: ~ a fault. 宽恕一个过失。 4 superintend; supervise. 监言; 指导。




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