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单词 walk
walk/wɔ:k/ v & n

v (1)行走,步行(move along on foot in a normal way)[II+prepI+advI+n+prep]:Most children learn/start to~when they are about one. 多数的孩子在一岁时学习/开始走路。~into/across/out of the room 走进/穿过/走出房间;~along the river/around the lake/down the road 沿着河边走/围着湖边走/沿马路走去;~along with dragging feet 拖着脚步走;~slowly home/up and down 慢慢地走回家/走来走去;~to and fro 来回走;~arm in arm/hand in hand 胳膊挽着胳膊/手牵着手走;They~ed two or three abreast. 他们两三个人并排地走着。I~(for) two miles every day. 我每天走两英里。~in sorrow 忧伤地走着;The lamp~ed right off the desk.(fig)台灯正好从书桌上掉了下去。〖同〗go,move,advance,step,pace;
 (2)徒步(travel on foot instead of by other means)[II+adv]:I prefer to~. 我宁愿走着去。I had to~home yesterday since I missed the bus. 昨天我没赶上公共汽车,只得走回家。like/love/go~ing 喜欢/热爱/去散步;W~ing is a good form of exercise. 散步是一种好的锻炼方式。〖同〗 stroll;
 (3)(四肢动物)慢步走((four-footed animals)move slowly)[I+prep]:The horse was~ing on the race track/along the path after the race. 赛马结束后,马在跑道上/沿着小路溜达着。〖同〗 go,move;
 (4)使行走(cause to walk;accompany and lead sb/sth to walk)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:~a horse/a dog 遛马/狗;~sb up the hill/down the passage/out of the room/to the door/about the park 陪某人上山/走下甬道/走出房间/走向门口/在公园散步;The teacher~ed the class to the park. 老师带着这个班的同学去了公园。~sb to exhaustion 使某人走得疲惫不堪;The policeman~ed the suspect off. 警察把嫌疑犯带走了。~sb away/off/home 陪某人离开/离开/回家;〖同〗 accompany,lead,bring;
 (5)在(沿)……走(move on foot along or over sth)[T+n]:~a street/a road/a field 沿着街/路/田地走;~a tightrope 走钢丝;We got off the bus and~ed the last few blocks. 我们下了汽车,走过最后几个街区。〖同〗 go,move,travel,tour;
 (6)出没(现)(appear or turn out)[I](旧用法):The phantoms/ghosts/spirits only~in the dark night. 幽灵只在漆黑的夜晚出现。〖同〗 appear,emerge;〖反〗 disappear,vanish;
 (7)搬(扶)着……走(cause sth to move like walking)[T+n]:~a bicycle 推着自行车走;Let's~the ladder/the piano/the bureau to the other end of the room. 让我们把梯子/钢琴/写字台移到房间的另一边。
 walk before one can run 先学走再学跑:You can't do it and just learn to~before you can run. 你干不了的,还是先学走再学跑吧。
 a walking dictionary/encyclopaediaetc 活字典/活百科全书: She's a~ing encyclopaedia/textbook of medicine. 她是医学方面的活百科全书/教科书。
 walk one's legs off 走得疲惫不堪(infml):The soldiers covered four miles in an hour and they~ed their legs off. 士兵们一小时走了四英里,感到疲惫不堪。
 walk sb off his feet 走得脚酸腿软(infml):The children have~ed me off my feet. 孩子们让我走得腿酸脚软。
 walk tall 感到自豪: She~ed tall since she won the award. 她因获奖而感到自豪。
 walk away from (v adv prep) 轻易胜过对手(vt):The Oxford crew~ed away from Cambridge. 牛津划船队轻取剑桥队。
 walk away/off with (v adv prep) 1)轻易获奖(vt)(infml):She~ed away/off with two first prizes. 她轻松地荣获两项一等奖。2)顺手拿走(vt):Who has~ed off with my umbrella? 谁拿走了我的雨伞?
 walk into (v prep) 1)意外地遭遇某事(vt)(infml): Mind you,don't~into a trap/a pool of water. 注意,不要落入陷阱/掉进水坑。2)轻易获得(vt)(infml): She~ed into the top position/a job at the bank. 她轻而易举地谋得高位/银行的工作。3)走路时撞上(vt):The busy man~ed into a glass door that he hadn't seen. 这个忙碌的人走路没看见, 一头撞到玻璃门上。
 walk out (v adv)突然罢工(vi)(infml):The workers just~ed out for more pay. 工人们为增加工资而突然举行罢工。
 walk out of (v adv prep) 气愤地离开(vt): I~ed out of the meeting when he said something rude. 他说话无礼, 我气愤地离开了会场。
 walk out on (v adv prep) 1)遗弃(vt)(infml):He just~ed out on his wife and children without saying a word. 他一句话没说就抛弃了妻子和孩子。2)放弃(vt)(infml):~out on one's responsibility/one's job 放弃自己的责任/工作;
 walk out with (v adv prep) 与……谈情说爱(vt)(infml):The footman didn't~out with the cook for long before they got married. 男仆和厨师恋爱不久就结婚了。
 walk over (v adv) 1)轻易地击败某人(vt)(infml):The visiting team~ed over its opponent. 客队轻易地战胜了对手。2)欺凌某人(vt)(infml):Don't let him~over you like that. 你不能让他这样欺负你。
 walk up (v adv)来瞧(看)(vi):W~up! W~up! The horse race starts. 快看! 快看! 赛马开始了。
 walk up to (v adv prep)走向(vt):An acquaintance~ed up to me and shook my hand. 一个熟人走近我并和我握手。
 →′walker n 走路的人;′walkable adj 可行走的;′walkabout n 徒步旅行;′walk-in adj(尤AmE)大得可使人进去的;′walking-stick n 拐杖;′walking-tour n 徒步旅行;′Walkman n 随身听(pl~s);͵walk-′on adj 跑龙套的;′walk-out n 突然罢工;′walk-over n 轻易获得的胜利;′walk-up adj(尤 AmE)没有电梯的;′walkway n 人行通道;
 n(1)散步,步行(travelling on foot for pleasure or exercise)[C]:an autumn/outdoor~ 秋天/户外的散步;a constitutional/pleasant/leisured~ 保健/愉快/悠闲的散步;a cross-country~越野步行;go for/have/take a~去散步; take sb for a~带某人出去散步;The~this morning did me a lot of good. 今天早上的散步使我感到很舒服。She takes the dog for a~every morning. 她每天早晨带着狗去散步。a~by moonlight/in the country/through beautiful country/under the shade of trees 在月下/乡间/景色宜人的乡间/树阴下散步;
 (2)步行的距离 (walking distance) [Csing]:The bus stop is ten minutes'/a one-mile~from my house. 从我家到汽车站要走10分钟/有一英里。It's a long/short~to the airport. 到机场很远/近。
 (3)走路的姿态 (walking style or manner) [Csing]:recognise sb's~识别出某人的走路姿态; know sb by his~从其走路的姿势而认出某人;His~is just like his brother's. 他走路的姿态跟他兄弟一样。an awkward~ 笨拙的走路姿势; a clumsy/graceful/dragging~ 笨拙/优美/拖着脚步的走路姿态;People who ride horses a lot have a special~. 经常骑马的人有一种特殊的走路姿势。set off at a brisk~迈着轻快的步子出发;〖同〗 behaviour,manner,carriage;
 (4)走路的速度(walking speed)[Csing]:drop/fall into a~开始慢步行走;He slowed the horse into a~after its long gallop. 奔驰了很长时间后,他让马缓慢地行走。The horse came/went home at a~. 这匹马走回了家。The production slowed down to a~.(fig) 生产速度放慢。
 (5)步行的路程(线)(path or route for a walk)[C]:This path is one of my favourite/delightful~s. 这条小路是我最喜欢/愉快的散步地点之一。Some~s in this area are not possible in raining days. 这个地区的某些路在下雨天不能走。a sheep~羊肠小道; pretty/beautiful/pleasant~s 宜人的/美丽的/令人感到愉快的散步地点;The~in front of the house is covered with snow. 房前的路被雪覆盖着。〖同〗 route,footpath,path,way;
 a walk of life/all walks of life 行业:The mayor received representatives from every~of life/all~s of life. 市长接见各方代表。





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