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单词 overflow
释义 overflow /.suvs'klsv; zov'flo/ vt, vi (pt, pp ~ed) 1 [VP6A, 2A] flow over; flow over the edges or limits; flood; spread beyond the ordinary or usual area: 淹没; 泛决; 溢出; 国出: The river ~ed its banks. 河水淹没两岸。 The lake is 湖水正在泛 So The crowds were so big that they ~ed the barriers. 人太多了,以致挤出栅栏。 2 [VP3A] ~ with, be more than filled: 充溢; 洋溢: a heart ~ing with gratitude; 充满着感激的心; a friend ~ing with kindness. 洋溢着慈复的朋友。 n /'auvoflau;'ovv-zflo/ [C] flowing over of liquid; flood; that which flows over or is too much for the space, area, etc available: 溢流; 泛滥; 洪水; 无法容纳而溢出或过多之物: new suburbs for the ~ of population; 为着人口过剩而开的新郊区; Q ~ meeting, one held for those unable to find room in the hall, etc where the principal meeting is held. 增设之会场(因主要会场人满而加设者)。




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