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单词 wait
wait/weɪt/ v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/];n

v (1)等(stay without doing anything until sb comes or sth happens)[II+prep(for),I+to-inf]:I'm busy now,and tell her she has to~. 我现在很忙, 告诉她得等一等。How long have you been~ing? 你等了多久了?~long/all day 等了很久/一整天;~(for) a minute/a second 等一小会儿;~(for) a moment/a while 等一会儿;~for a train/a bus/a person 等火车/汽车/人;~for a reply/the further instructions/the turning of the tide 等待答复/进一步的指示/形势的转变;~for sb's answer/sb's explanation/sb's arrival 等待某人的回答/解释/到达;Time and tidefor no man.(prov)岁月不等人。~for a dead man's shoes (fig) 等某人死后接替其工作或继承其财产;What are you~ing for?(infml)你们不干还等什么呢?~to begin the seminar/hear the final decision/see the final score 等候研讨会的开始/听最后的决定/看最后的比分;I can't~to tell him the good news. 我迫不及待地要告诉他这个好消息。~for the right person to come/the dinner to be served/the rain to stop 等候要见的人到来/摆上晚餐/雨停下来;
 (2)等待(候),期待(wait and watch for sth)[T+n]:~one's turn to book the ticket 等轮到自己订票;They are~ing their chance to get the revenge/their opportunity for another attempt. 他们等待时机进行报复/机会再作尝试。~one's convenience 等待某人方便之时;~the signal 期待着发出的信号;
 (3)推迟(be delayed or postponed)[I]:The work/business/discussion/trip can~. 这项工作/这件事情/这次讨论/这次旅行可以放一放。We can hardly/just can't~. 我们不能再耽搁了。This news cannot~until tomorrow. 这条消息不能等到明天再发布。This matter/business can~until next week; it's not urgent. 这件事情并不急,可以拖延到下周。My vacation will have to~. 我的休假得推迟。
 (4)延缓开饭(put off a meal)[T+nD+n+prep(for)]:~lunch/supper for sb 等候某人推迟开午饭/晚饭;We don't have to~dinner for Dad since he is always late from work. 我们不必等爸爸回来再吃饭, 因为他总是很晚才下班。
 (5)车在路边暂时停留(stop a vehicle at the roadside)[I]:No~ing! 禁止停车!
 (6)就绪,准备好了(be ready)[I][常用prog]:The tea is~ing,and don't let it get cold. 茶已沏好,不要让它凉了。The shoes/slippers are~ing by the bed. 鞋/拖鞋已准备好放在床边了。The dinner is~ing for you. 饭给您准备好了。The agreement is~ing for your signature. 协议就等您签字。
 keep sb waiting 让某人等候: Sorry to have kept you~ing. 抱歉,让您久等了。
 you (just) wait 你等着瞧:You just~and I will take my revenge. 你等着瞧吧, 我要报复的。
 wait about/around (v adv)在某处等着(vi):She made me~about/around in the corridor for a long time before the interview. 她让我在走廊里等了很久才接见我。
 wait at (AmE on) table 伺候进餐:The wait-er is~ing at/on table. 侍者正在伺候进餐。
 wait behind(v adv)等他人走后留下来 (vi):After the meeting,I~ed behind to speak to the manager. 会后我留下与经理谈了谈。
 wait for the cat to jump 观望事情的发展(infml):We won't take any further steps and just~for the cat to jump. 我们将不采取进一步的行动,等待形势明了再作决定。
 wait for it 等待时机(infml):We just~for it and see what we can do about it. 我们要等待时机,看看我们能做些什么。
 wait in (v adv)在家中等候(vi):We~ed in all the day but the guests did not show up. 我们在家中等了一天,但是客人没来。
 wait on/upon (v prep) 1)伺候(招待)某人(vt):The host is~ing on/upon the guests. 主人正在招待客人。2)拜访(vt)(fml):The overseas agent~s on/upon the client every six months. 海外代表每六个月拜访一次客户。3)随……而来:Success~s on effort. 成功来自努力。
 wait on sb hand and foot 无微不至地服侍某人:The volunteers are~ing on the wounded hand and foot. 志愿者无微不至地照顾伤员。
 wait out (v adv)(耐心地)等待某事的完结(vt):They were patiently~ing out the war/a storm. 他们耐心地等待战争/暴风雨的结束。
 wait and see 等着瞧:You just~and see! 你等着瞧吧!
 wait up (v adv)熬夜等候(vi): Don't~up (for me), and I'll be back home very late tonight. 别熬夜等我,我今晚要很晚才能回家。
 →′waiter n 男服务(招待)员;′waiting-list n 等候者名单;′waiting-room n 候车(诊)室;′waitress n 女服务(招待)员;
 n等待(候)(waiting)[C][N(for)]:They have no patience for a~. 他们没有等候的耐心。We had a long~for the taxi. 我们等出租车等了很久。There was a long~before they could board the train. 他们等了很长时间才登上火车。have a~of four hours/a four-hour~等候了四个小时;
 【辨异】wait await expect 的区别见AWAIT。





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