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❶ (赶) drive (a horse, car, etc.): ~ 车前往 drive (in a vehicle) to a place; ~ 马前进 urge a horse on
❷ (快跑) run quickly: 并驾齐 ~ run neck and neck; 长 ~ 直入 drive straight in; drive deep into; 驰 ~ gallop
❸ (赶走) expel; disperse: ~ 云防雹 disperse clouds to prevent a hailstorm
◆驱策 drive; whip on; order about; 驱车 drive to a place; 驱虫 expelling parasite; 驱除 drive out; get rid of; 驱动 {机} drive; prime mover; 驱动轮 driving wheel; 驱动器 {计} drive; 驱赶 drive; drift; 驱狼防虎 guard against the tiger while repelling the wolf; 驱迫 order about; urge; 驱遣 [书] drive away;banish;expel; order about; drive; get rid of; 驱散 disperse; dispel; break up; 驱使 order about; prompt; urge; spur on; 驱蚊药 anophelifuge; 驱邪 drive out evil spirits; 驱逐 drive out; expel; dislodge; banish; 驱逐出境 expel [deport] someone from a country; deportation; deportation and expulsion (from a country)





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