驰(馳)chíⅠ ❶ (车马等或使车马等跑得很快) speed;gallop: 奔 ~ run quickly;speed; 那辆汽车疾 ~ 而去。 The car sped away. 他骑马 ~ 过田野。 He galloped across the field. ❷ (传播) spread: 名 ~ 天下 be known all over the world ❸ [书] (心神向往) turn eagerly towards: 心 ~ 神往 let one's thoughts fly to (a place or person);long for Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 九垓 Chi Jiugai ◆驰骋 [书] gallop; 驰马 gallop a horse;go swiftly on horseback; 驰名[誉] known far and wide;well-known;famous;renowned;become famous [celebrated];驰名商标 well-known trademark; 驰名中外 have won fame both at home and abroad;be known [renowned] at home and abroad;renowned both inside and outside the country; 驰驱 gallop;ride fast;trot;do one's utmost in sb.'s service;run errands;serve others; 驰援 rush to the rescue; 驰骤 [书] gallop |