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单词 马首是瞻

马首是瞻mǎ shǒu shì zhān

take the head of sb’s horse as guide—follow sb’s lead; look up to sb for direction (/guidance/leadership)
❍ 荀偃令曰: “鸡鸣而驾,塞井夷灶,唯余~!”(《左传·襄十四年》906) Xun Ya issued an order that at cock-crow they should yoke their chariots,fill up the wells,level their furnaces,and look only at his horses’heads and follow him.”

马首是瞻ma shou shi zhan

follow sb.'s lead


follow sb’s lead—In ancient battles,the rank-and-file soldiers always watched the head of the general’s horse as a signal to advance or retreat
唯某人之~ take the head of sb’s horse as guide;follow sb’s lead

马首是瞻mǎ shǒu shì zhān

瞻:看。原指作战时士兵看主将的马头行事。后比喻服从指挥或依附某人。follow sb.’s lead, look up to sb. for guidance, dance to one’s tune





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更新时间:2024/11/15 14:38:55