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单词 over
释义 over1 /'svvs(r); 'ova1/ adv (cthe v entries for special combinations, eg give over. Specimens only are given here.) (与动词连用的特殊用法,例如 give over, 参看各动词条。本条中仅提供若干例句。) 1 (indicating movement from an upright position, from one side to the other side, or so that a different side is seen, etc): (表示从直立位置倒下,从一边到另一边,或使不同之一边被看见等的动作): He fell ~ on the ice. 他跌倒在冰上。 Don't knock that vase ~. 不要把那只花瓶碰倒。 A slight push yvould send it 轻轻一推咨把它弄倒。 He gave me a push and ~ I went, I fell. 他推我一下, 我就跌倒了。 Turn the patient ~ on his face and rub his back. 把病人翻过去俯卧,按摩他的背部。 Turn ~ the page. 把这一页翻过去。 It rolled ~ and ~, made a series of revolutions. 它一再滚动。 He turned ~ in bed. 他在床上翻身。 2 (indicating motion upwards and outwards): (表示向上及向外的动作): The milk boiled ~. 牛奶沸溢出来了。 He was boiling ~ with rage. 他正在馥怒。 3 from beginning to end; through: 自始至终; 遍及 : . I'll look the papers ~, look or read through them. 我要把这些文件全部看过。 You should think it ~, consider the matter carefully. 你应该把它付细考虑一下。 4 (indicating repetition) again: (表示重复)再: Count them ~, a second time. 再把它们板一数。 (all) ~ again, a second time (from the beginning): 再一次: He did the work so badly that / had to do it all ~ again myself. 他把那项工作做得那么糟我自己还得再做一次。 ~ and ~ again, repeatedly; many times: 一再地; 许多次: I've warned you ~ and ~ again not to do that. 我一再警吿你不要做那件事。 5 across (a street, an open space, a distance, etc): 越过(街道,空地,一段距离等): Take these letters to the post office. 把这些信送到邮局去。 Let me row you ~ to the other side of the lake. 让我把你划到湖的那一边去。 Ask him ~, Ask him to come here/to pay a visit. 请他到这里来。 He's ~ in/has gone ~ to France. 他到法菌去了。 Come ~ and see me some time, Come to visit me some time. 那 — 天请过来看我。 Some wild geese have just flown ~. 有几只雁刚刚飞过。 ~ against, (lit or fig) (字面或喻) a opposite to. 与…相对; 在…对面。 b in contrast with. 与…相比。 6 remaining; not used after part has been taken or used: 剩余; 余下: Seven into thirty goes four times and two ~. 三十除以七得四余二。 If there's any meat (left) ~, give it to the dog. 如果有肉剩下的话,把它喂狗。 I've paid all my debts and have £15 ~. 我把欠债都还淸了还剩下十五钟。 7 in addition; in excess; more: 加之; 超过; 更多: children of fourteen and ~; 十四岁以上的孩子们; JO metres and a bit 十公尺多一国 i。 8 ended; finished; done with: 结束; 完举; 完成: The meeting will be ~ before we arrive if we don,t hurry. 假如我们不赶快的话,不等我们到达,就已经散会了。 The storm is ~. 风暴已经过去 To His sufferings will soon be 他的痛苦不久就要过去了。 It's all ~ with him, He's ruined, sure to die soon, etc, according to context. 他一切都完了(垮了,即将死亡等,其意义视上下文而定)。 9 more than is right, usual, wise, etc: 太过; 过份: ~ anxious; 太焦急的; 过于忧虑的; ~ polite. 太多礼的; 过份客气的。 if she grieves ~ much, she may fall Hl- 假如她过度悲伤,她可能会生病。 He's not ~ strong, not so strong as is desirable. 他并不太强壮。 He hasn't done it ~ well, He has done it rather badly. 他做得不大好。→ over- below. 参看下列之 over-o 10 (indicating transference or change from one person, party, etc to another): (表示移转或更换): He has gone ~ to the enemy, joined them. M 已经投向敌人。 He made his business ~ to his son, made his son the owner, 他把事业移转给他的儿子。 Hand that weapon ~ to me. 布那武暮交给我。 Over (to you)! (in radio telegraphy, etc) It is now your turn to speak. (无线电报金用语)请回话! 11 on the whole surf ace; in all parts: 遍而; 到处: He was aching all 他全身都痛。 This pianist is famous all the world ~,这位钢琴家闻名全世界。 Your clothes are all ~ dust/ are dusty all ~. 你的衣服到处都是灰尘。 Paint the old name ~, cover it with paint, 把旧名字全部用油段涂盖起. 来。 That's Smith all ~, It's characteristic of him, what he might be expected to do. 史密斯就是这么一个人。




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