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单词 vote
vote/vǝ ʊt, AmE voʊt/ nv [-d,-d/ ɪd/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)投票, 选举(表决)(formal indication of a wish or an opinion in a ballot or by rais-ing a hand)[C][N(for/against, on/about)]:cast/record one's~for (against) that candidate/that proposal 投票赞成(投票反对)那一候选人/提议;take/hold a~on a motion 对动议进行/付诸表决;settle/resolve a matter by~通过表决处理/解决一事;a majority/minority~多/少数票; pass a~of censure (on the ministry)通过(对政府部门的)不信任票; receive a~of confidence获信任票;Father's~usually went against/to the party (in power). 父亲通常投票反对/赞成(执政)党。The~was unanimous, a few abstaining from voting but not one voting in the negative. 表决结果全部通过,除几人弃权外,无一人投票反对。The urban~won the election for him. 城市的投票使他选举获胜。Mr Smith proposed a~of thanks to the organizers of the activity. 史密斯先生提议向活动组织者鼓掌表示谢意。I shall now proceed to put the matter to the~and those in favour hold up the right hand. 接下来我要把此事付诸表决,同意者举起右手。〖同〗choice,selection;

(2)选票(ticket by which expression is made)[C]:put one's~in the ballot box 把选票放入投票箱;count/sort/check the~s 计算/整理/检查选票; be passed by 118 to 98~s 以118对98票通过; be defeated by 96 to 120~s 以96对120否决;I gave my~to/for the Labour candidate and he got my~. 我投票选举/赞成工党候选人,因此他获得我一票。Each state has two~s in the senate. 每个州在参议院有两张选票。〖同〗ticket;

(3)获票总数(投票数)(the whole number of the choices)[C the~]:The~was 20,000. 投票数为两万。(the opposition/Labour/Conservative)~may increase/decrease at the next election(反对票/工党获票/保守党获票)总数下次选举可能会增加/减少;split the~分裂选票(投票选举一党以上的候选人);win the teenage/immigrant/Scottish~获得青少年/移民/苏格兰人选票; get 45% of the~获得45%的选票;

(4)选举结果,投票表示的意见(result of an election;decision reached by voting)[Cthe~]:The popular~was for the reform/against the resolution. 结果多数票赞成改革/反对该决议。The~went in our favour/was in favour of spending more on education. 投票结果对我们有利/支持增加教育投入。The~is in, but has to be tabulated. 投票结果正在产生,但要用表格列出。

(5)选举权(right to the expression)[C the~]:get/have/win the~取得/有/赢得选举权;(country)support the idea of~s for women(国家)支持妇女拥有选举权的思想;He was present at the committee, but without a~. 他参加委员会工作,但没有选举权。

(5)投票通过的拨款(sum of money voted for special use)[C,通常sing]:the~for education 通过的教育拨款;

v (1)投票(参加选举),表决(cast one's vote;express one's opinion)[I I+prep (for/against,on), T+n T+to-inf]:~by ballot/post/proxy/a show of hands 投票表决/寄票选举/由代表投票/举手表决;the right to~选举权;go to the polling booth to~去投票站参加选举;~for (against) the candidate/changing the law/restoration of capital punishment 投票拥护(反对)候选人/修改法律/恢复死刑;~on the bill/the motion就议案/动议进行表决;On this Bill every member is free to~as his own conscience dictates. 每位成员将按照个人的意志对议案进行自由表决。~(for) Smith/Labour/Liberal on polling day 在投票日投史密斯/工党/自由党的票;V~more money to education/the necessary funds for a project. 投票决定为教育多投资/为那个项目提供必要资金。Money for a new school was~d by the board. 董事会投票决定为一所新学校投资。~that the school should continue投票表示学校应该继续办下去;It was~d that they must hold a massmeeting. 根据投票决定他们必须召开群众大会。~to continue the strike/raise 30,000 troops投票要求继续罢工/招兵三万;

(2)选举(推选,表决)为(bring into existence;make available by vote)[C+n+n T+n+prepT+n+adv]: (sb) be~d chairman/captain(某人)被选为主席/队长;~sb into power/in a new government 使某人掌权/新政府中选;(accountant/architect) be~d onto a committee/on (会计/建筑师)被选进委员会;The government/Smith was~d out (off office). 政府/史密斯落选下台。(congress/people)~the bill/the suggestion/sb down(议会/人们)投票否决议案/建议/某人;The Bill was~d through by both Houses with little delay. 两院立刻通过议案。

(3)投票表决为……提供(give permission for the provision of sth to someone by vote)[D+n+n]:(parliament)~the town a large sum of money for a road/those scientists £10,000 to help them in their research(国会)投票表决给这座城镇一笔巨款筑路/那些科学家一万英镑帮助他们搞研究;

(4)一致(公)认为(declare or pronounce)[尤pass C+n+adjC+n+n] (infml): The critics (children) all~d the show/the trip a great success. 评论者(孩子们)一致认为演出/旅行是一次巨大成功。(party/even-ing/concert) be~d a great (huge) success/failure/flop(晚会/晚会/音乐会)被认为是一大(巨大的)成功/失败/失败;My brother was~d a fine teacher/a popular boy/a pubilc nuissance. 我弟弟被公认是一位好教师/受人欢迎的男孩/大家讨厌的人;

(5)建议(offer as a suggestion)[T+that, 无pass]:I~(that) we all go home/stop for lunch/stay home/go to the theatre tonight. 我建议我们都回家/停下来吃午餐/待在家/今晚看戏。

→′voter n 投票人





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