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单词 bold
bold/bə ʊld, AmE boʊld/ adj [-er/-est

(1) 大胆的,勇敢的 ((of a person or his behaviour) daring fearless adventurous):a~action/plan/scheme/proposal大胆的行为/计划/方案/建议;a~hero/warrior/soldier/explorer勇敢的英雄/战士/战士/探险家;~tactics/adventure大胆的战术/冒险;She has~brown eyes.她褐色的双眼一点也不怯生。The little girl was surprisingly~.那小姑娘惊人地胆大。〖同〗brave,daring,courageous,fearless;〖反〗cowardly,fearful;

(2) 厚脸皮的,无礼的 (without feelings of shame; immodest):a~girl/remark/reply/glance 无礼的姑娘/粗鲁的评论/粗鲁的回答/不礼貌的一瞥;~behaviour粗鲁的行为;The~fellow simply put out his hand and asked for more money.那厚颜无耻的家伙就那么伸出手来要更多的钱。〖同〗rude; 〖反〗shy,polite;

(3) 清晰的,醒目的,突出的(clearly formed; clear and distinct to the eye; striking):the~shape/outline of the cliffs悬崖清晰的形状/轮廓;in~relief 对比鲜明;a dress with~stripes 粗条纹的衣服;a~pattern清晰的图案;a~cliff 突兀的悬崖;~colours醒目的颜色;~handwriting 清楚的笔迹;draw (paint) sth in a few~lines/with~strokes of the brush 粗粗几笔/潇洒有力地画……;paint one's lips with~strokes画出醒目的唇线;〖同〗striking,distinct;

(4) 粗(黑)体的(printed in thick type)[无comp]:print sth in~type/letters 用粗体/粗体字印刷;

as bold as brass厚颜无耻地:He walked in very late as~as brass.他厚颜无耻地很晚才进来。

be/make (so) bold (as) to do sth (社交上)冒昧:If I may be so~as to speak frankly, I found your comments wrong. 恕我直言,我觉得你的批评是错误的。I made~to offer my suggestion.我冒昧地提出我的建议。

→′boldly adv 大胆地;冒失地;′boldness n 大胆,冒失;′boldface n 黑(粗)体字; ͵bold′faced adj 厚颜无耻的;粗(黑)体的





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