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Ⅰ ❶ {动} (哺乳动物) horse: 母 ~ mare; 小 ~ pony; 种 ~ stallion; stud
❷ (象棋棋子) horse, one of the pieces in Chinese chess
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 致远 Ma Zhiyuan Ⅱ (大) big: ~ 勺 ladle; ~ 蜂 hornet; wasp
◆马鞍 bridge piece; saddle; [美] Mc Clellan saddle; 马鞍形 saddle-shaped; the shape of a saddle; a falling-off between two peak periods; 马坝人 Mapa man; 马宝 {中药} bezoar of a horse; dust ball; Caculus Equi; 马鼻疽 {牧} glanders; 马鞭 horsewhip; romal; 马弁 [旧] (officer's) bodyguard; footman; 马表 {体} stopwatch; 马鳖 leech; 马不停蹄 make a hurried journey without stop; continuously; non-stop; nonstop; push on with one's journey without stop; 马步 pas de cheval; 马槽 manger; 马场 stud-farm; 马车 carriage; coach; cab; cart; turnout; dilly; hippomobile buggy; landau; 马齿徒增 having accomplished nothing despite one's advanced age; outgrow one's usefulness; be old and unfit for anything; have gotten old; advanced in age; 马齿苋 {植} Portulaca oleracea; verdolaga; purslane; pussley; 马刺 spur; 马达 motor; 马达加斯加 Madagascar; 马大哈 careless; forgetful; siwash; a careless person; scatter ̄ brain; 马刀 saber; sabre; 马到成功 win success immediately upon arrival; be accomplished instantly [in a moment]; carry out one's mission quickly; win instant success; gain an immediate victory [success]; with success the moment one arrives; 马道 packway; bridle path; bridle trail; bridle road; bridle way; 马德里 Madrid; 马灯 barn lantern; lantern; 马兜铃 {植} Aristolochia debilis; birthwort; pelican flower; Radix aristolochiae; 马队 a train of horses carrying goods; caravan; a contingent of mounted troops; cavalry马耳他 Malta; 马尔代夫 Maldives; 马尔加什语[人] Malagasy; 马贩子 horse dealer; horse coper; 马夫 groom; mafoo; mafu; horsekeeper; 马革裹尸 be wrapped in a horse's hide after death — die on the battlefield; be killed in battlefield; die in the last ditch; fall in battle; 马褂 mandarin jacket (worn over a gown); 马关条约 the Treaty of Shimonoseki; 马海绵 horse sponge; 马海毛[呢] mohair; 马赫数 {物} Mach number; 马赫主义 {哲} Machism; 马后炮 belated action or advice; belated effort; be too late; I-told-you-so remark; 马虎[糊] careless; casual; perfunctory; 马虎从事 discharge business carelessly; 马虎了事 finish the work perfunctorily; get sth. done in a slapdash manner; 马甲 armour for a horse; [方] vest; 马缰绳 leading rein; twitch; 马脚 sth. that gives the game away; 马厩 shieling; stable; 马驹(子) [口] colt; foal; pony; youngster; 马具 (horse) gear; 马靠鞍装, 人靠衣裳It's the saddle that makes the horse and the tailor, the man.; Fine feathers make fine birds.; Apparel makes the man.; 马克 mark; markka; 马克思 Marx (Karl, 1818-1883, 德国无产阶级革命家, 经济学家, 哲学家); 马克思列宁主义 Marxism-Leninism; 马克思主义 Marxism; 马克吐温 Mark Twain; 马裤 riding breeches; overall; jodhpur; jodhpur breeches; 马拉犁{农} horse-drawn plough; 马拉松 Marathon; Malamar; Malaphos; Malaspray; Malathiozoo; karbofos; kop-Thion; zithiol; [南非] mercaptothion; Emmatos; carbofos; Cythion; kypfos; marathon; malathion; malathiozoo; 马拉提语 Marathi; 马拉维 Malawi; 马来半岛 the Malay Peninsula; 马来群岛 the Malay Archipelago; 马来人 Malay; 马来西亚 Malaysia; 马来-印度尼西亚人 Malayo-Indonesian; 马来语 Malay (language); 马蓝 {植} acanthaceous indigo; 马里 Mali; 马里兰 Maryland; 马立克派 {伊斯兰教} the Malikite school; the Malikite sect; 马力 {物} {力} horsepower (h.p.); 马列主义 {简} Marxism-Leninism; 马蔺 {植} Chinese small iris; 马铃薯 potato; Irish potato; white potato; 马六甲海峡 the Strait of Malacca; 马笼头 head harness; bridle; pelham; halter; 马路 road; street; avenue; highway; 马鹿 {动} red deer; wapiti; cervus elaphus; 马骡 {动} mule; 马马虎虎 palter with something; careless; casual; make a hash of something; slack; sloppiness in doing work; sloppy; take [do] things in a slipshod [slapdash; perfunctory] manner; fair to middling; just passable; not so bad, not so good; just so-so; 马面鲀 {动} black scraper; 马那瓜 Managua; 马奶 mare's milk; 马尼拉 Manila; 马爬犁 skiforing; 马棚 stable; 马匹 horse; 马屁精 subservient; sycophant; spaniel; ear banger; creeper; banana oil; lickspittle; toady; 马屁拍到马腿上 rub [flatter] a person the wrong way; flatter sb. without achieving the desired purpose; 马其顿 Macedonia; Makedonia; Macedonia; 马其诺防线 Maginot Line; 马钱子 {植} vomiting nut; nux vomica; semen strychni; quaker button; 马前卒 pawn; cat's-paw; foot soldier [attendant going before officers]; pavisor; 马枪 pistol; carbine; 马球 {体} polo; 马肉 horseflesh; horsemeat; 马萨诸塞 Massachusetts; 马赛 Marseilles; 马赛克 {建} mosaic; 马上 at once; immediately; straight away; right away; at the drop of a [the] hat; 马上不知马下苦 No one knows the weight of another's burden.; 马上治天下 rule the world by force; 马勺 ladle; 马氏体 {冶} martensite; 马术 horsemanship; 马嘶 neigh; 马蹄 horse's hoof; [方] Chinese water chesfnut; eleoeharis tuberosa; waternut; Matai; 马蹄铁 horseshoe iron; horseshoe; U-shaped magnet; horseshoe magnet; 马蹄形 the shape of a hoof; U-shaped; 马桶 stool; nightstool; closestool; commode; honey bucket [pot]; 马头琴 {音} matouqin, 2-stringed instrument of the Monggol nationality; a bowed stringed instrument with a scroll carved like a horse's head, used by the Monggol nationality; 马王堆汉墓 Han tomb at Mawangdui; 马尾 horsetail; {解}cauda equina; 马尾松 {植} masson pine; pinus massoniana; 马戏 circus; 马戏团 circus troup; 马靴 gambado; riding boots; jackboots; 马仰人翻 The rider falls as the horse rears in fright.; men and horses thrown off their feet; There is a panic.; turned upside-down; utterly defeat ̄ed in battle; 马缨丹 {植} lantana; 马蝇 horse botfly; 马贼 [旧] mounted gangsters; 马扎 campstool; folding stool; 马掌 horseshoe; tip; 马桩 hitching post; 马鬃 horse's mane; 马祖岛 Mazu Island








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