释义 |
首鼠两端shǒu shǔ liǎng duānbe in two minds;be undecided in the course of action; cannot decide which to follow; waver in determination; shilly-shally ❍ 武安已罢朝,出止车门,召韩御史大夫载,怒曰:“与长孺共一老秃翁,何为~?”(《史记·魏其武安侯列传》)When the court session was over Tian Fen left the palace and went to the gate where the carriages were drawn up.Calling to the imperial secretary Han Ankuo to join him in his carriage,he began to berate him angrily.“You and I together are pitted against a single,bald-headed old man,Tou Ying! Why did you have to be so timid in expressing your opinion,like a rat trying to look both ways at once?” 首鼠两端shòu shǔ liǎnɡ duān首鼠:犹豫不决的样子;端:头。形容在两者之间犹豫不决或动摇不定。be in two minds, shilly-shally |