释义 |
首当其冲shǒu dāng qí chōngbe the first to be affected (by a disaster,etc); bear the brunt; stand in the gap (/breach) ❍ 大抵当敌人结束了他的战略进攻,转到了保守占领地的阶段时,对于一切游击战争根据地的残酷进攻的到来,是没有疑义的,平原的游击根据地自将~。(《毛泽东选集》389) Broadly speaking,when the strategic offensive of the enemy is brought to ahalt and he enters the stage of safeguarding his occupied areas,he will undoubtedly launch savage attacks on all the guerrilla base areas,and those in the plains will naturally be the first to bear the brunt. ❍ 你完全明白,华北形势越来越紧张,第二个东北的命运已经压在华北人民的头上。而北平又~。(杨沫《青春之歌》509) You know perfectly well how tense the situation in North China has become—what happened in the Northeast is threatening to repeat itself,and Beiping would be the first place to bear the brunt. ❍ 事实上,他们也是这里的主力,有三挺机枪,两门手炮,武器好,战斗力也强,是应该~的。(知侠《铁道游击队》500)The railway guerrillas with their excellent weapons,which now included three machine-guns and two knee-mortars,and strong in fighting power,were in fact the main force on the island and should therefore defend the most strategic point. 首当其冲bear the brunt of…;be the first to be affected by(or suffer the impact of)… 首当其冲shǒu dānɡ qí chōnɡ冲:要冲,交通要道。首先受到攻击或遭遇灾难。bear the brunt, stand in the breach, be the first to be affected |