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单词 饿殍遍野

饿殍遍野è piǎo biàn yě

be strewn with bodies of the starved everywhere; famine is widespread; on the wilds there are many who have died of famine;with people starving to death all over the country
❍ 在那军阀混战,~的年代,母亲绝望了,终于丢下亲生女儿,投江自尽了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》285) But in those days the warlords were always fighting and famine was widespread. Driven by despair,her mother drowned herself in the river.
❍ 庖有肥肉,厩有肥马,民有饥色,野有饿殍,此率兽而食人也。(《孟子·滕文公下》)In your kitchen there is fat meat; in your stables there are fat horses. But your people have the look of hunger,and on the wilds there are those who have died of famine. This is leading on beasts to devour men.


the bodies of the starved could be seen everywhere; there was a widespread famine

饿殍遍野è piǎo biàn yě

殍:饿死;遍野:到处。到处都是饿死的人。strewn with bodies of the starved everywhere, the fields strewn with the bodies of the starved





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