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单词 饮泣吞声

饮泣吞声饮气吞声yǐn qì tūn shēng

choke back one’s sobs; gulp down one’s sobs (/rage);suffer in silence; swallow one’s bitterness; swallow one’s tears; weep silent tears
❍ 正在吞声饮泣,看见凤姐那边的丰儿送衣裳过来。(《红楼梦》1178) She was choking back her sobs when Fenger brought in the clothes sent by Xifeng.
❍ 假如第三种的人,虽然立志极高; 万一丈夫长寿,天下太平,他便只好饮恨吞声,做一世次等的人物。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—8) Some of the women in the third class may have the noblest resolutions,but what if their husbands live to a ripe old age and the world remains at peace? They will just have to suffer in silence,doomed to be second-class citizens all their lives.
❍ 为了求学,为了学校 “赐给” 的两餐粗茶淡饭,他们忍受了四年的奴隶生活。(杨沫《青春之歌》596) For the sake of an education and the two poor meals a day which the university offered,they had to swallow their bitterness and put up with the life of slaves for four years.





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