释义 |
饭(飯)fàn ❶ (煮熟的谷类食品) cooked cereals:大米 ~ cooked rice; 稀 ~ gruel;congee; 小米 ~ (cooked) millet ❷ (每天定时吃的食物) meal:做 ~ cook a meal; 一天三顿 ~ three meals a day;~ 前洗手。 Wash your hands before meals. ◆饭菜 meal;repast;dishes to go with rice,steamed buns,etc.; 饭店 hotel;[方] restaurant; 饭店管理学[饭店营销学] restaurant management science; 饭店销售学 restaurant marketing science; 饭豆 rice bean;snailflower; 饭馆 restaurant;luncheonette; 饭锅 pot for cooking rice;rice cooker; 饭盒 lunch-box;mess tin;dinner pail; 饭后闲谈 sit around gossiping after dinner; 饭后茶余 after meal hours or in leisure time; 饭来张口 eat a ready-cooked meal; 饭来张口,衣来伸手 have only to open one's mouth to be fed and hold out one's hands to be dressed — to lead an easy life,with everything provided;be waited on hand and foot;those who eat and do not work; 饭量 appetite; 饭票 meal ticket;mess card; 饭铺 (small) restaurant;eating house; 饭前(服) ante cibum; 饭糗茹草 eat dry bread or grass — to live in poverty; 饭食 food (esp. with regard to its quality); 饭厅 dining hall;dining room;mess hall; 饭桶 rice bucket;big eater;fathead;good-for-nothing;poor tool; 饭碗 rice bowl;job; 饭庄 (big) restaurant; 饭桌 dining table |