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单词 食言而肥

食言而肥shí yán ér féi

break faith with sb; break one’s promise; fail to keep one’s word for one’s selfish ends; fail to make good one’s promise; go back on one’s own word(s)
❍ 是食言多矣,能无肥乎? (《左传·哀二十五年》) Can one who eats many of his words escape getting fat?/这段公案,人民会起来给以正当裁判,也只有人民才会真正坚持释放张、杨,那些担保张、杨无事的大人先生和太太们却早已忘恩负义,~。(《周恩来选集》上—248) The people will come forward and pass the correct judgment on this case,and it is they alone who are persisting in demanding the release of Zhang and Yang,while the lady and the gentlemen who vouched for the safety of the two generals shamelessly went back on their word a long time ago
❍ 你们~,不承认这个原来答应承认了的区域,不承认这个民主政治,反而骂我们做“割据”,请问这是一种什么道理?(《毛泽东选集》879) What reason do you have for accusing us of“separatism” while you go back on your own words,refuse the recognition you pledged to the Border Region and refuse to acknowledge its democratic government?

食言而肥shí yán ér féi

食言:说话不算数。比喻为了自己占便宜,说话不讲信用。break faith with sb., fail to make good one’s promise, go back on one’s word





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:49:10