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单词 visit
visit/′vɪzɪt/ v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n

v (1)看望(拜访),参观(游览),视察(检查)(go to see (a person or a place)for reasons of kindness friendship ceremony or for sightseeing inspection)[I T+n]:be out/go~ing 在外/去拜访;~a friend/a dentist/a fortune-teller 看朋友/看牙医/找算命先生算命;The doctor regularly~ed the sick. 医生定时探视病人。The first place the tourists~ed was the British Museum/the ruins at Pompeii/the White House. 那些旅游者参观的第一个地方是大英博物馆/庞培遗址/白宫。(schools) be~ed from time to time by public health/education officers(学校)时常接受卫生/教育部门官员的视察;a bishop~ing the parish 巡视教区的主教;~ing card/professor/hours (at a hospital)名片/客座教授/(医院)探视时间;〖同〗call on,drop in on,look in on;inspect;

(2)短期逗留(作客)(stay temporarily as a guest)[IT+n]:They don't live in New York. They are just~ing. 他们不住在纽约,只是短期逗留。He always~s in Belgium/at the first-class hotel when he is in Europe. 他到欧洲的时候总是在比利时停留/住在这家最好的饭店。~sb for a few days 在某人家暂住几日;Many birds~(Britain) only during the summer months. 许多鸟只在夏季来(英国)停留数月。

(3)(疾病,灾难等)降临,侵袭(fall on ;bear down on)[T+n, 通常pass]:(people/area) be~ed with a plague of rats/by a terrible disease(人们/某地区)遭受鼠疫/可怕疾病的袭击;(sb) be~ed by a terrible dream/many troubles(某人)被噩梦/许多头疼事搅扰;A plague/series of misfortunes~ed London in 1665. 1665年一场瘟疫/一连串的不幸降临伦敦。〖同〗 attack,punish,frequent;

(4)看一看,闲聊(谈)(spend a while in company with another person)[I+prep(with)](AmE) (infml):stay and~with sb 留下来与某人闲谈;~with one's parents/one's friends/one's teachers on weekends 周末看望父母/朋友/老师;

(5)施加;(圣经用语)追究(罪责)(revenge;lay on)[T+n+prep(on/upon)]:~the sins of the parents upon the young 将父母的罪孽降罪于晚辈;He~ed his anger upon everyone around him. 他把怒火发泄在周围人身上。

→′visitor n;͵visi′tation n 游览;

n(1)看望,拜访,访问,参观,游览(instance of visiting;stay as a guest)[C][N (to/from)]:the Queen's~to China/the museum 女王对中国的访问/参观博物馆;be on a short~to some relatives串亲戚;go on a month's~to San Francisco去旧金山进行一个月的访问;invite sb home/drop in for a short~请某人到家/顺便进门稍坐片刻;She collapsed and died while on a~to Hongkong. 她赴香港观光时病倒继而离开人世。(sb) have regular~s from the police/landlord 警察/房东定期探访(某人);charge money for each~(大夫)每次出诊要收取费用;pay a~to sb/sth (pay sb/sth a~)拜访某人/参观某地;pay sb an occasional~偶尔看望某人〖同〗stay,call;

(2)交谈,聊天(chat)[C](AmE)(infml):have a nice~with a neighbour on the phone 与邻居进行愉快的电话交谈;

【辨异】visitcallcall oncall in ondrop in on的区别见CALL。





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